DS News

DS News June 2020

DSNews delivers stories, ideas, links, companies, people, events, and videos impacting the mortgage default servicing industry.

Issue link: http://digital.dsnews.com/i/1253603

Contents of this Issue


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default servicing trusted reliable informed @ dsnews.com 6.2020 With historic unemployment levels and many impacted homeowners seeking assistance, here's how mortgage servicers are working to keep up with the workload. RISING TIDES OF ECONOMIC HARDSHIP 68 LINES OF COMMUNICATION The executive team at Safeguard Properties discusses the critical nature of communication, and how the industry is managing the pandemic. 74 THE DEMOCRATIZATION OF DISTRESSED PROPERTY BUYERS A broader pool of foreclosure buyers means steady demand—even in stormy markets. 80 DISASTER RESPONSE DURING A CHALLENGING SUMMER When it comes to strategically managing natural disaster response this year, the IRS casualty loss program may have a critical part to play.

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