DS News

DS News September 2020

DSNews delivers stories, ideas, links, companies, people, events, and videos impacting the mortgage default servicing industry.

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67 go a long way. When people are backed by facts, they tend to feel more comfortable in speaking up instead of when they're purely guided by emotion. Statistics and facts from a reputable source also can contribute to the conversation in a positive manner as it creates less space for combative or confrontational responses. Simply put, facts are hard to argue. THIS CONVERSATION ISN'T EASY, SO GIVE EVERYONE A CHANCE TO TALK Discussing racism, especially with colleagues at your place of work, is likely to be one of the most—if not the most—uncomfortable conversations to have. Whether it revisits previous painful experiences or brings forth the harsh reality of some individuals' lives on a day-to-day basis, it may not be a topic that certain individuals or groups of people want to discuss. For that reason, some may be hesitant to speak and share their experiences or counter to that, some may feel as though they can't relate or aren't educated enough to discuss such matters. Even though it may be difficult, it's always a great idea to encourage others to open up because, at the end of the day, it's a form of education and gives insight into each other's lives. However, individuals should not be forced to talk or contribute to the conversation if they don't feel comfortable. Instead, simply make sure everyone is given the opportunity to share their thoughts, experiences, and suggestions on how to take positive steps forward without pressure. is approach may encourage the more timid participants to open up, and it may also spark additional conversation points. e objectives here are about communicating openly, educating each other, and valuing each person's perspective. CONTINUING THE CONVERSATION While the conversation about race and racism is incredibly important, it's even more important to ensure the conversation continues, followed by action. e issue of racism is not going to magically disappear overnight, and there certainly won't be any change if the conversations are so easily forgotten. is is where a Diversity & Inclusion (D&I) council comes into play. If your organization has one, then you are already one step ahead. However, if your company does not, now is the perfect time to assemble one. D&I teams or councils assist in ensuring that your organization is hiring, celebrating, and incorporating people from all races into the organization. Additionally, D&I teams can serve as facilitators to continue the conversation. Creating content that promotes a regular rhythm in the conversation like panels, webinars, documentaries, trainings, and guest speakers allow organizations to expand on the topic and continue educating their staff. Companies are also incorporating different methods to help educate their staff, including book clubs, documentary viewings, and other activities that attract additional interest. When compiling a D&I team, it's critical to incorporate your company's senior leaders to ensure that the mission is represented with top-down support. Many current jobseekers are looking into their prospective company's core values to see if they put an emphasis on diversity, inclusion, and equity, as those values have become increasingly more important to them. It is very possible for your organization to have a positive external diversity brand while also having a negative internal sense of equity and inclusion for employees of color. erefore, it's imperative to hold all employees, leaders included, accountable for promoting and exhibiting the company values so there is no confusion around where the company stands with its belief in the importance of a strong diverse and inclusive culture. Awarding individuals also is a way to promote inclusion in D&I initiatives, such as a Culture or D&I Champion of the Year award that shows its importance within the company. As we all become more engaged with making the workplace better, acknowledgement of small wins along the way are impactful to those doing this work daily. EDUCATION, COMMUNICATION, AND EMPATHY As the great Martin Luther King, Jr., once said, "In the end, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends." Having these conversations is challenging, but necessary to ensure that others are educated and can serve as allies for their friends in the fight against injustice and discrimination. rough education, communication, and empathy, everyone can do their part to combat racism both inside and outside of the workplace. is isn't a race to the finish line, but an adoption of lifestyle so the fight can continue for the advancement of all people. Quincy Amekuedi is the Recruiting Leader for Genworth Mortgage Insurance, where he works with various business partners to set strategies for recruiting, employment branding, and diversity and inclusion across the organization. Amekuedi earned a bachelor's degree in brand management and marketing from North Carolina State University and joined the staffing and recruiting industry in 2012. Note: e statements provided are the opinions of Quincy Amekuedi and do not reflect the views of Genworth or its management.

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