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DSNews delivers stories, ideas, links, companies, people, events, and videos impacting the mortgage default servicing industry.

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Page 29 of 83

28 Industry Updates From mergers and acquisitions to cutting-edge tech tools and solutions, here's the company news the industry is talking about this month. BLACK KNIGHT LAUNCHES NEW COLLECTIONS SOLUTION Black Knight Inc. has enhanced its suite of solutions dedicated to exceeding the needs of homeowners throughout their servicing journey. e most recent addition is the Collections solution, which delivers the functionality to assist mortgage servicers in their efforts to keep customers in their homes during periods of financial hardship by streamlining the process of engaging customers with meaningful infor- mation. is early engagement can help prevent foreclosure and late-stage default by making qualified assistance options timelier and more accessible to both homeowners and servicers. "We consider it a privilege at Black Knight to be able to deliver technology that supports the American aspiration of homeownership," said Sandra Madigan, Chief Digital Officer for Black Knight. "A homeowner facing finan- cial hardship may feel anguish, fear, and even embarrassment. Our comprehensive solutions address this difficult reality by giving servicers a seamless path to help their borrowers prevent or resolve delinquent payments. Whether a borrower prefers to browse their options inde- pendently or connect with a servicer's support representative—the Collections application brings consistency, ease, and relief to the process." e Collections solution seamlessly inte- grates with the MSP loan servicing system and Servicing Digital, Black Knight's self-service app and responsive web solution that allows borrowers to access loan, home, and neighbor- hood information. rough this integration, borrowers can browse and select from qualified assistance options at a time and pace that suits them. Additionally, a servicer's employees can access key information to help their custom- ers address delinquent payments quickly and efficiently to ultimately avoid transitioning customers into default. "Every mortgage servicer's goal is to help customers remain in their homes, and by rounding out our robust suite with the Collec- tions solution, these servicers have even more resources to do so," said Joe Nackashi, CEO of Black Knight. "Continuous engagement is key to providing a top-tier experience throughout the customer journey, and periods of hardship are when consumers need this outreach most. We are proud at Black Knight to contribute to the special relationship between a servicer and the homeowner—a relationship that's funda- mental to the American Dream."

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