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August 2023 » thefivestar.com 53 August 2023 F E A T U R E For 20 years, the Five Star Conference has brought together leading subject-matter experts, legions of exhibitors, and thousands of professionals representing mortgage servicers, lenders, federal government agencies, financial services law firms, service providers, investors, and real estate organizations from across the nation. This September, join us as we celebrate two decades of FSC—and two decades of helping Five Star's industry partners achieve success and support American homeownership. THE TWENTIETH ANNIVERSARY FIVE STAR CONFERENCE AND EXPO SEPTEMBER 18-20, 2023 DALLAS, TEXAS | HYATT REGENCY BUILT TO LAST MAKING COMMUNITIES SHINE HOST STAR LEADERSHIP 2 0 2 3 F I V E S T A R C O N F E R E N C E A N D E X P O S P O N S O R S

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