DS News

MortgagePoint June 2024

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MortgagePoint » Your Trusted Source for Mortgage Banking and Servicing News 52 June 2024 E X P E R T I N S I G H T S F ew factors dictate the housing market more than mortgage rates. And when rates are high, many borrowers put their home financing decisions on hold, and most lenders and servicers struggle to find new business—usually after they lay off staff, which doesn't make the challenge any easier. These factors are impacting the industry right now, yet some organizations are bucking this trend and are doing quite well. They are not focused on things they cannot control, like rates, yet focus on the things they can control, like using technology to identify and maximize opportunities that might be hiding right under their noses. MortgagePoint had the opportunity to discuss market trends with Nate Den Herder, MBA, Founder and CEO of Ardley Technol- ogies and find out what advances in tech can contribute to new business avenues. Den Herder is Founder and CEO of Ardley Technologies, a pro- vider of mortgage technology solutions that help lenders and servicers mine their portfolios for new deal opportunities, and improve retention rates. Over the past year, the company's Actionable Data Intelligence (ADI) platform has generated more than $1 billion in loan volume, while enabling companies to automate up to 85% of their sales activi- ties. Den Herder spent 15-plus years with Fannie Mae, where he was the GSE's lead developer of Collateral Underwriter (CU) and played a key role in the development of Day 1 Certainty (D1C). Q: How can technology and automation help to find new business, even when borrower activity is low? Nate Den Herder: Many people are still buying homes, and many homeowners are still taking equity out of their homes to make other purchases or pay down debt. So, there is always business to be had somewhere. Of course, when volume is low, it is imperative for organizations to be as efficient as possible while still remaining competitive. That is more true than ever today, and it is why strategic technology investments are key. No one can control the housing market, but any company can maximize their efficiency and revenue opportunities, regardless of where rates are headed. Automated technologies can help organi- zations leverage their existing resources more productively, while reducing the cost it would take to complete the same tasks manual- ly. Some of those technologies can also help lenders identify sales opportunities hiding right inside their own portfolios and create hyper-personalized loan offers, without any human assistance. By blending technology and automation in this way, lenders and servicers can get the most out of the many financing opportunities that still exist. ATTRACTING CUSTOMERS IN A DOWN MARKET A Q&A With Nate Den Herder, MBA, Founder and CEO, Ardley Technologies

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