DS News

MortgagePoint June 2024

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MortgagePoint » Your Trusted Source for Mortgage Banking and Servicing News 66 June 2024 J O U R N A L GAUGING U.S. HOMEBUYER TENDENCIES T he Fannie Mae Home Purchase Sentiment Index (HPSI) was unchanged in April at 71.9 and is showing signs of once again plateau- ing as consumers continue to adjust to the higher interest rate and home price environment. This month, some 67% of consumers indicated that it's a good time to sell a home, while 20% said it's a good time to buy a home. These two indicators are up 10 percentage points and 3 percentage points, respectively, since the end of 2023, despite mortgage rates having moved steadily upward. Additionally, the share of respondents who expect mortgage rates to go down over the next 12 months fell to 26%. The full index is up 5.1 points year-over-year. "The HPSI, unchanged this month, may have hit another plateau as consum- ers maintain their 'wait and see' approach to the housing market," said Doug Duncan, Fannie Mae Senior VP and Chief Economist. "Overall, housing sentiment increased from November through Febru- ary, driven largely by consumer belief that mortgage rates would move lower. How- ever, recent data showing stickier-than-ex- pected inflation, rising mortgage rates, and continued home price appreciation appear to have given consumers pause regarding the market's direction." Home Purchase Sentiment Index – Component Highlights Fannie Mae's Home Purchase Senti- ment Index (HPSI) remained unchanged in April at 71.9. The HPSI is up 5.1 points compared to the same time last year. » Good/Bad Time to Buy: The percent- age of respondents who say it is a good time to buy a home decreased from 21% to 20%, while the percentage who say it is a bad time to buy remained unchanged at 79%. As a result, the net share of those who say it is a good time to buy decreased 1 percentage point month over month. » Good/Bad Time to Sell: The percent- age of respondents who say it is a good time to sell a home increased from 66% to 67%, while the percentage who say a bad time to sell decreased from 34% to 32%. As a result, the net share of those who say it is a good timeto sell increased 3 percentage points month- over-month. » Home Price Expectations: The per- centage of respondents who say home prices will go up in the next 12 months increased from 40% to 42%, while the percentage who say home prices will go down decreased from 20% to 18%. The share who thinks home prices will stay the same increased from 38% to 39%. As a result, the net share of those who say home prices will go up in the next 12 months increased 3 percentage points over month. » Mortgage Rate Expectations: The percentage of respondents who say mortgage rates will go down in the next 12 months decreased from 29% to 26%, while the percentage who expect mortgage rates to go up decreased from 34% to 33%. The share who thinks mortgage rates will stay the same increased from 36% to 40%. As a result, the net share of those who say mortgage rates will go down over the next 12 months decreased 1 percentage point month over month. » Job Loss Concern: The percentage of respondents who say they are not concerned about losing their job in the next 12 months decreased from 77% to 76%, while the percentage who say they are concerned remained unchanged at 23%. As a result, the net share of those who say they are not concerned about losing their job decreased 2 percentage points month- over-month. » Household Income: The percentage of respondents who say their house- hold income is significantly higher than it was 12 months ago decreased from 19% to 17%, while the percentage "Overall, housing sentiment increased from November through February, driven largely by consumer belief that mortgage rates would move lower. However, recent data showing stickier-than-expected inflation, rising mortgage rates, and continued home price appreciation appear to have given consumers pause regarding the market's direction." —Doug Duncan, SVP and Chief Economist, Fannie Mae

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