DS News

MortgagePoint July 2024

DSNews delivers stories, ideas, links, companies, people, events, and videos impacting the mortgage default servicing industry.

Issue link: http://digital.dsnews.com/i/1523845

Contents of this Issue


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23 July 2024 E X P O S U R E Mortgage Entrepreneur 101: You Don't Have a Job, You Run a Million Dollar Business Mastering Mortgage Marketing: Driving Growth in the Digital Marketing Age Profit From Claiming Tax Foreclosure Sale Overages: Your Guide for Mastering the Recovery of Surplus Funds From Tax Foreclosure Sales Transforming Troubled Real Estate With Strategic Solutions: Foreclosures, Short Sales, Buying Troubled Properties, and More B y A . J . N U N N A L L Y Author A.J. Nunnally dives into the serious responsibili- ties of being a mortgage loan officer in today's world by emphasizing the importance of helping families achieve the American Dream of homeownership—typically people's largest asset and investment. The author makes a point of emphasizing the importance of buyer ed- ucation and integrity within the industry to prevent your clients from facing the con- sequences of falling behind and ending up in foreclosure. Nunnally also highlights the challenges faced by people of color, specifically African Americans, in the mortgage industry and advocates for more support and unity with- in the mortgage community. B y K E L L Y Y A L E Embark on a journey to change the trajectory of your career with author Kelly Yale, who gives guidance on mort- gage marketing in today's AI-driven environment. This book could be considered the blueprint for rapid advance- ment, leadership buy-in, implementation, and brand enthusiasm or for anyone interested in taking their marketing career to the next level. You will learn how to grow your leadership skills, understand your short- and long-term visions, and learn why your marketing team and your tech department are on the same team and more interrelated than you might think. B y J W W R I G H T According to author JW Wright, over 750,000 prop- erties, both residential and commercial, are auctioned in tax sales across the country every year, resulting in an es- timated $6 billion in surplus funds that rightful property owners are unaware they can claim. When properties are sold at auction over taxes, and the winning bid exceeds the debt owed, the remaining balance belongs rightfully to the former property owner. For those in the know, this book will teach you how to recover this money for your clients for a fee with compre- hensive and clear advice that will help you navigate this revenue stream. B y E R I C A C R O H N M I N C H E L L A If you want to navigate the waters of distressed prop- erties with finesse and flair, this book takes readers on a journey that will help start a real estate transformation written by an author with years of experience steeped in bankruptcy law. Using author Erica Crohn Minchel- la's book, you will learn how to confront the challenges of distressed properties and how to turn them into op- portunities for unparalleled success. This isn't another instruction manual, it's a riveting read filled with sage advice and anecdotes that all point towards mastering new skills and opening new revenue streams in today's ever-evolving real estate landscape.

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