DS News

MortgagePoint August 2024

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11 August 2024 M T E C H required to process and integrate it into daily operations can prove difficult, if not impossible. CanaryAI solves these challenges by bringing together the most comprehen- sive, accurate, and up-to-date infor- mation on more than 136 million U.S. residential properties with a conversa- tional chatbot that enables anyone to ask questions easily and get the answers they need quickly. "Having spent decades in the real estate industry, I have first-hand experi- ence spending hundreds of hours trying to gather data and analyze it to eventu- ally come to informed decisions," said Jeremy Sicklick, Co-Founder and CEO of HouseCanary. "With CanaryAI, we believe that we have created a complete- ly new paradigm for how real estate professionals search for and find answers to any real estate question they may have. We're thrilled to be partnering in this launch with some of the top technology companies in the world, which have enthusiastically supported our unique approach to solving this challenge on behalf of our customers." For the first time in real estate, anyone can input a question, refine their query, and obtain an actionable answer in seconds. At launch, CanaryAI can assist in identifying properties that meet specific investment criteria, pinpoint comparable properties, analyze, and compare market trends, among other tasks. "At HouseCanary, we recognize that there is much more to be done to open up access to analytics and insights in our industry. Our goal is to put the infor- mation real estate professionals need at their fingertips," said Ketan Bhalla, SVP of Product. "CanaryAI is a one-stop shop product that will help our customers become more efficient and ultimately usher in a future where every real estate question is answered instantaneously." HouseCanary is launching CanaryAI in beta with a waitlist to join, which will transition into a premium offering later in the year. HouseCanary intends to continuously innovate on CanaryAI, incorporating new data sets and expand- ing the queries it can support based on customer feedback and needs. EQUIFAX INTRODUCES MORTGAGE VERIFICATION SOLUTION E quifax has launched a new solution, All Employers Within 90 Days, in support of its commit- ment to providing an extensive set of verifi- cation solutions for the mortgage industry. Powered by The Work Number, All Employers Within 90 Days allows cre- dentialed lenders to verify a borrower's income and employment information from the previous 90 days. Developed in response to customer feedback, the new solution—which provides a narrow verification period—may be particularly useful for situations when a borrower has been employed at the same job for a long period and therefore employment records beyond 90 days are not needed. "Lenders have many choices when it comes to verifying income and employ- ment information, from in-house or consumer-provided options to working with external companies," said Joel Rick- man, SVP, Verification Services, Equifax Workforce Solutions. "At Equifax, we offer a variety of tailored verification solutions that were developed specifi- cally with mortgage lenders in mind. By offering different types and levels of data at various price points, many lenders are able to find an Equifax solution that meets their specific requirements." In addition to launching All Em- ployers Within 90 Days, Equifax has introduced modifications to its existing All Employers Within 12 Months and All Employers Within 24 Months offerings. Those modifications support lenders with a smoother billing process for those ser- vices, resulting in more aligned processing. "Lenders have many choices when it comes to verifying income and employment information, from in- house or consumer- provided options to working with external companies." —Joel Rickman, SVP, Verification Services, Equifax Workforce Solutions

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