DS News

MortgagePoint August 2024

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Contents of this Issue


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25 August 2024 G O O D R E A D S The Investor's Dilemma Decoded: Recognize Misinformation, Filter the Noise, and Reach Your Goals Financial Literacy for All: Disrupting Struggle, Advancing Financial Freedom, and Building a New American Middle Class REO Deal Flow: Become an REO Listing Broker & Create Real Estate Deal Flow Real Estate: The Game Is to Be Sold, Not Told B y R O B E R T D . S I L K & K A T H E R I N E A . S I L K The Investor's Dilemma Decoded by Roger Silk and Katherine Silk offers a refreshingly clear guide to personal investing. Addressing the chaos and misinformation often plagu- ing the investment world, the Silks replace opinion with fact. Roger, with a Ph.D. in applied economics from Stanford, and Katherine, holding an MA in history and a BA in econom- ics from Stanford, provide a robust framework for making informed decisions. From the basics of valuing a dollar over time to debunking common myths about commodity investing, the book covers essential concepts often over- looked. Whether you manage your investments or consult a professional, this book equips you with the knowledge to make sound financial choices. The Silks' meticulous expla- nations make complex topics accessible, fostering smarter investing for all. B y J O H N H O P E B R Y A N T John Hope Bryant, former Vice-Chairman of the U.S. President's Advisory Council on Financial Literacy, offers a crucial guide in Financial Literacy for All. Aimed at everyday Americans, Bryant's book simplifies personal finance, making it accessible and engaging. With a fore- word by Walmart CEO Doug McMillon, the book covers wealth creation, financial mindset, and practical money management. Bryant address- es key topics like the real value of cryptocurrencies and the fundamentals of respon- sible long-term investing. He also explores the relationship between work, money, and time, providing clear advice on when and how to work. Ideal for professionals, blue-collar workers, and families, this book is essential for anyone seeking a secure financial future. B y M I C H A E L R . L I N T O N REO Deal Flow: Become an REO Listing Broker and Create Real Estate Deal Flow by Michael Linton is a must- read for anyone aspiring to master the REO market. This comprehensive guide offers valuable insights and prac- tical strategies for building a successful career as an REO listing broker. Linton begins with an introduction to the REO market, explaining its fundamentals, unique opportunities, and chal- lenges. He then outlines the steps to becoming an REO listing broker, emphasizing licensing, certifications, and relationship-building with asset managers. The book also covers effective market- ing strategies, navigating the listing process, enhancing client relationships, and leveraging technology. It concludes with strategies for building a resilient and adaptable business, ensuring long-term success in the volatile REO market. B y J H E N S C U T E L L A Jhen Scutella has written a groundbreaking guide for real estate enthusiasts aiming for success. Scutella, a self-made real estate guru, narrates his transforma- tion from incarceration to property triumph, providing a roadmap for navigating auctions, foreclosures, and affordable properties. This comprehensive self-help book demystifies the real estate market, detailing sales processes and statutes. Scute- lla offers actionable strate- gies, from securing distressed properties to navigating tax sales, complete with website lists and screenshots. More than a guide, this book is an invitation to financial freedom, revealing auction dynamics and wealth-build- ing tactics. Whether you're a novice or seasoned investor, Scutella's proven techniques will help you succeed in the real estate game.

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