DS News

MortgagePoint August 2024

DSNews delivers stories, ideas, links, companies, people, events, and videos impacting the mortgage default servicing industry.

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9 August 2024 M T E C H a patented borrower prequalification service that leverages artificial intelligence to deliver instant results and borrower in- sights across conventional and FHA loans. Traditional prequalification processes are often time-consuming and cumbersome, leading to delays and inefficiencies in the mortgage lending workflow. With Candor's PreQual tool, loan officers can streamline prequal or full conditional credit approval processes and provide borrowers with near-instant decisions, transforming the mortgage lending experi- ence for all parties involved. Key features and benefits of Candor's PreQual product include: » Smooth Integration: Effortlessly blend with existing workflows, loan origination systems, and point-of-sale platforms. » Instantaneous Results: In less than a minute, lenders obtain: • Initial eligibility decisions • A dynamic borrower-needs list • FHA manual downgrade notifica- tions when applicable » Rapid Underwriting Analysis: Within 30 minutes of submitting borrower documentation or digital verifications, lenders can obtain: • Full credit approval • Income calculations and asset verifications • Approval letters • Step-by-step processor guidance » Enhanced Efficiency: Loan officers no longer need to wait for a loan to be processed or reviewed by underwriting. • Reducing borrower walk-aways by 15%-18% • Shortening LO response times • Enabling LO to serve more quali- fied borrowers » Superior Borrower Experience: Bor- rowers receive near-instant decisions, eliminating the long hours of waiting for feedback and reducing their ap- prehension and uncertainty about the homebuying process. "We are thrilled to introduce Candor's PreQual product to the mortgage lending industry," said Mark Hinshaw, CEO at Candor Technology. "By harnessing the power of AI, we are empowering lenders to make faster, more informed decisions while providing borrowers with a seamless and stress-free experience." OPTIMAL BLUE LAUNCHES NEW GENERATIVE AI ASSISTANT CAPABILITIES O ptimal Blue has announced the delivery of generative AI capabilities centered on helping lenders maximize profitability on every loan transaction. Through direct engagement with its thousands of clients, the company has begun delivering generative AI capabilities built for secondary-market-specific use cases and purposefully designed to solve the real-world challenges that mortgage lenders face. The company's launch of AI assistants has initiated with the release of three new AI capabilities in Optimal Blue's CompassEdge hedging and loan trading platform. "Optimal Blue's priority is to contin- uously maximize profitability for lenders on every single loan, and generative AI affords us infinite opportunities to do so," said Joe Tyrrell, CEO of Optimal Blue. "We deploy an intentional approach to developing and delivering AI assistants with machine learning capabilities that are based on actual opportunities and challenges lenders are facing. At a time when there is so much noise in the in- dustry with companies claiming to have AI, at Optimal Blue, we are delivering true AI with the sole purpose to increase profitability for lenders, so all of these generative AI capabilities are being provided to our clients at no additional cost. We believe that core innovation shouldn't represent incremental cost, but rather should be what you expect out of your partner." Seever Sulaiman, Chief Technology Officer at Optimal Blue, who has led the development and adoption of the company's AI framework, added, "We've RUNNING the NUMBERS Brought to you by & Magazine Y O U R T R U S T E D S O U R C E F O R M O R T G A G E B A N K I N G A N D S E R V I C I N G N E W S JANUARY 2024 LENDERS CANNOT AFFORD TO IGNORE AFFORDABLE LENDING Courtney Hess of Mortgage Cadence explains the changing face of the average American homebuyer, and how expanding product offerings can keep pace with this evolving market. CALL CENTERS UNDER NEW SCRUTINY FOR 'SOFT SKILLS' Samantha Shanaberger of Clayton Servicing Oversight examines the policies and practices of servicer call centers, and how these centers must remain vigilant of changing rules and regulations. THE NEXT DEFAULT SPIKE WILL BE UNLIKE ANY WE'VE SEEN BEFORE Things have changed dramatically in the way the default and foreclosure world operates. In this Issue: MortgagePoint assembled a panel of economists to forecast the top trends and headwinds they expect to define the housing market in 2024. Subscribe to MortgagePoint and MortgagePoint Digital now! Call 800.856.8060 to take advantage of our special introductory offer! Experts you trust. People you know. News you want. MortgagePoint is putting essential mortgage market news at your fingertips with our new digital edition, now available online via your smartphone, tablet, or computer. Enjoy the magazine at your desk, and tap into MortgagePoint Digital's easily accessible platform anywhere, anytime. Committed to giving originators, servicers, and all lending professionals access to smarter perspectives, MortgagePoint believes it's time to think differently about the mortgage industry. Because the American Dream is evolving . . . are you? Brought to you by & Magazine YOUR TRUSTED SOURCE FOR MORTGAGE BANKING AND SERVICING NEWS DECEMBER 2023 THE EVOLVING DIGITAL FRONTIER Mortgage tech advancements in 2024 will be transformative. Here's how. FHFA SUPPLEMENTAL PARTIAL CLAIM: THE NEXT ITERATION Taking a deep dive into Supplemental Partial Claims, the benefits and drawbacks they present in today's mortgage landscape, and other considerations. NAVIGATING THE REAL ESTATE LOCK-IN EFFECT Why are so many homeowners staying in place? FIVE STAR ANNOUNCES LAUNCH OF MORTGAGE SERVICING EXECUTIVE ALLIANCE In this Issue: EYES HORIZON As we approach a new year, MortgagePoint took the temperature of industry experts to see what lies ahead for a market that trudged through 2023 hampered by the convergence of rates reaching 20-year highs, a shortage of housing inventory, and inflated home values. Brought to you by & Magazine Y O U R T R U S T E D S O U R C E F O R M O R T G A G E B A N K I N G A N D S E R V I C I N G N E W S NOVEMBER 2023 THE COST OF DOING BUSINESS With factors ranging from low volumes to inflation and manpower shortages putting the squeeze on the property preservation and field services sectors, MortgagePoint speaks to vendors and government agencies trying to guide this important industry through the challenges. MARKET CHANGES DRIVING SMARTER CUSTOMER CONVERSATIONS How leveraging advanced CRM can boost business by blending user-friendly technology and the human touch to create a more seamless mortgage experience. DIFFERENTIATING AI APPLICATIONS IN THE MORTGAGE SPACE Building a culture of innovation that supports the adoption of disruptive technologies is like unlocking a hidden treasure. FROM MANUFACTURING TO MORTGAGES, QUALITY DATA IS KEY When it comes to accurate data, companies can't afford not to use AI. IDENTITY CRISIS Here's how digitization reshapes the battle against seller impersonation fraud. THE INDEPENDENT INVESTOR IMPACT Could real estate investors be the answer to the housing shortage? 5 TRIGGERS TO SHIFT IN-HOUSE SERVICING TO A SUBSERVICER Could you be getting a better ROI on your servicing portfolio? ALSO IN THIS ISSUE: RUNNING the NUMBERS Brought to you by & Magazine Y O U R T R U S T E D S O U R C E F O R M O R T G A G E B A N K I N G A N D S E R V I C I N G N E W S JANUARY 2024 LENDERS CANNOT AFFORD TO IGNORE AFFORDABLE LENDING Courtney Hess of Mortgage Cadence explains the changing face of the average American homebuyer, and how expanding product offerings can keep pace with this evolving market. CALL CENTERS UNDER NEW SCRUTINY FOR 'SOFT SKILLS' Samantha Shanaberger of Clayton Servicing Oversight examines the policies and practices of servicer call centers, and how these centers must remain vigilant of changing rules and regulations. THE NEXT DEFAULT SPIKE WILL BE UNLIKE ANY WE'VE SEEN BEFORE Things have changed dramatically in the way the default and foreclosure world operates. In this Issue: MortgagePoint assembled a panel of economists to forecast the top trends and headwinds they expect to define the housing market in 2024. Subscribe to MortgagePoint and MortgagePoint Digital now! Call 800.856.8060 to take advantage of our special introductory offer! Experts you trust. People you know. News you want. MortgagePoint is putting essential mortgage market news at your fingertips with our new digital edition, now available online via your smartphone, tablet, or computer. Enjoy the magazine at your desk, and tap into MortgagePoint Digital's easily accessible platform anywhere, anytime. Committed to giving originators, servicers, and all lending professionals access to smarter perspectives, MortgagePoint believes it's time to think differently about the mortgage industry. Because the American Dream is evolving . . . are you? Brought to you by & Magazine YOUR TRUSTED SOURCE FOR MORTGAGE BANKING AND SERVICING NEWS DECEMBER 2023 THE EVOLVING DIGITAL FRONTIER Mortgage tech advancements in 2024 will be transformative. Here's how. FHFA SUPPLEMENTAL PARTIAL CLAIM: THE NEXT ITERATION Taking a deep dive into Supplemental Partial Claims, the benefits and drawbacks they present in today's mortgage landscape, and other considerations. NAVIGATING THE REAL ESTATE LOCK-IN EFFECT Why are so many homeowners staying in place? FIVE STAR ANNOUNCES LAUNCH OF MORTGAGE SERVICING EXECUTIVE ALLIANCE In this Issue: EYES HORIZON As we approach a new year, MortgagePoint took the temperature of industry experts to see what lies ahead for a market that trudged through 2023 hampered by the convergence of rates reaching 20-year highs, a shortage of housing inventory, and inflated home values. Brought to you by & Magazine Y O U R T R U S T E D S O U R C E F O R M O R T G A G E B A N K I N G A N D S E R V I C I N G N E W S NOVEMBER 2023 THE COST OF DOING BUSINESS With factors ranging from low volumes to inflation and manpower shortages putting the squeeze on the property preservation and field services sectors, MortgagePoint speaks to vendors and government agencies trying to guide this important industry through the challenges. MARKET CHANGES DRIVING SMARTER CUSTOMER CONVERSATIONS How leveraging advanced CRM can boost business by blending user-friendly technology and the human touch to create a more seamless mortgage experience. DIFFERENTIATING AI APPLICATIONS IN THE MORTGAGE SPACE Building a culture of innovation that supports the adoption of disruptive technologies is like unlocking a hidden treasure. FROM MANUFACTURING TO MORTGAGES, QUALITY DATA IS KEY When it comes to accurate data, companies can't afford not to use AI. IDENTITY CRISIS Here's how digitization reshapes the battle against seller impersonation fraud. THE INDEPENDENT INVESTOR IMPACT Could real estate investors be the answer to the housing shortage? 5 TRIGGERS TO SHIFT IN-HOUSE SERVICING TO A SUBSERVICER Could you be getting a better ROI on your servicing portfolio? ALSO IN THIS ISSUE: RUNNING the NUMBERS Brought to you by & Magazine Y O U R T R U S T E D S O U R C E F O R M O R T G A G E B A N K I N G A N D S E R V I C I N G N E W S JANUARY 2024 LENDERS CANNOT AFFORD TO IGNORE AFFORDABLE LENDING Courtney Hess of Mortgage Cadence explains the changing face of the average American homebuyer, and how expanding product offerings can keep pace with this evolving market. CALL CENTERS UNDER NEW SCRUTINY FOR 'SOFT SKILLS' Samantha Shanaberger of Clayton Servicing Oversight examines the policies and practices of servicer call centers, and how these centers must remain vigilant of changing rules and regulations. THE NEXT DEFAULT SPIKE WILL BE UNLIKE ANY WE'VE SEEN BEFORE Things have changed dramatically in the way the default and foreclosure world operates. In this Issue: MortgagePoint assembled a panel of economists to forecast the top trends and headwinds they expect to define the housing market in 2024. Subscribe to MortgagePoint and MortgagePoint Digital now! Call 800.856.8060 to take advantage of our special introductory offer! Experts you trust. People you know. News you want. MortgagePoint is putting essential mortgage market news at your fingertips with our new digital edition, now available online via your smartphone, tablet, or computer. Enjoy the magazine at your desk, and tap into MortgagePoint Digital's easily accessible platform anywhere, anytime. Committed to giving originators, servicers, and all lending professionals access to smarter perspectives, MortgagePoint believes it's time to think differently about the mortgage industry. Because the American Dream is evolving . . . are you? Brought to you by & Magazine YOUR TRUSTED SOURCE FOR MORTGAGE BANKING AND SERVICING NEWS DECEMBER 2023 THE EVOLVING DIGITAL FRONTIER Mortgage tech advancements in 2024 will be transformative. Here's how. FHFA SUPPLEMENTAL PARTIAL CLAIM: THE NEXT ITERATION Taking a deep dive into Supplemental Partial Claims, the benefits and drawbacks they present in today's mortgage landscape, and other considerations. NAVIGATING THE REAL ESTATE LOCK-IN EFFECT Why are so many homeowners staying in place? FIVE STAR ANNOUNCES LAUNCH OF MORTGAGE SERVICING EXECUTIVE ALLIANCE In this Issue: EYES HORIZON As we approach a new year, MortgagePoint took the temperature of industry experts to see what lies ahead for a market that trudged through 2023 hampered by the convergence of rates reaching 20-year highs, a shortage of housing inventory, and inflated home values. Brought to you by & Magazine Y O U R T R U S T E D S O U R C E F O R M O R T G A G E B A N K I N G A N D S E R V I C I N G N E W S NOVEMBER 2023 THE COST OF DOING BUSINESS With factors ranging from low volumes to inflation and manpower shortages putting the squeeze on the property preservation and field services sectors, MortgagePoint speaks to vendors and government agencies trying to guide this important industry through the challenges. MARKET CHANGES DRIVING SMARTER CUSTOMER CONVERSATIONS How leveraging advanced CRM can boost business by blending user-friendly technology and the human touch to create a more seamless mortgage experience. DIFFERENTIATING AI APPLICATIONS IN THE MORTGAGE SPACE Building a culture of innovation that supports the adoption of disruptive technologies is like unlocking a hidden treasure. FROM MANUFACTURING TO MORTGAGES, QUALITY DATA IS KEY When it comes to accurate data, companies can't afford not to use AI. IDENTITY CRISIS Here's how digitization reshapes the battle against seller impersonation fraud. THE INDEPENDENT INVESTOR IMPACT Could real estate investors be the answer to the housing shortage? 5 TRIGGERS TO SHIFT IN-HOUSE SERVICING TO A SUBSERVICER Could you be getting a better ROI on your servicing portfolio? ALSO IN THIS ISSUE:

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