DS News

MortgagePoint August 2024

DSNews delivers stories, ideas, links, companies, people, events, and videos impacting the mortgage default servicing industry.

Issue link: http://digital.dsnews.com/i/1525460

Contents of this Issue


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3 August 2024 C O N T E N T S Departments 4 MTECH 14 MOVERS & SHAKERS 25 GOOD READS 28 INDUSTRY UPDATE 34 Cover Feature THE BURDEN OF PROOF MortgagePoint profiles industry staple Bron, a company that's made its name by laser-focusing on the critical but often thankless tasks of compliance-related issues and processes. Features 40 50 54 42 58 46 56 ADDRESSING LIEN PRIORITY BETWEEN A MORTGAGE AND A HOMEOWNER'S ASSOCIATION'S "SUPER LIEN"—THE NORTH DAKOTA SUPREME COURT'S CLARIFICATION IN GOULD THE BEST SOLUTION IS NOT ALWAYS THE SHINY NEW TOY While it can be debated as to how much default and fore- closure activity lies ahead, default servicers must carefully examine their tech systems to keep ahead of the curve. DRIVING GROWTH: LEVERAGING HOME EQUITY TO EXPAND LOAN OFFICER OPPORTUNITIES In a tight market, LOs seeking to diversify their product offerings are turning to home equity offerings to expand their role and become a financial guide for life. Counsel's Corner FACING THE FORECLOSURE AND BANKRUPTCY CHALLENGES OF TODAY MortgagePoint had the opportunity to sit down with Robert S. Kahane, a foreclosure and bankruptcy attorney with more than 30 years under his belt, to discuss current compliance issues related to loan servicing process enhancements. Expert Insights TONY JULIANELLE, CEO OF REAL ATLAS ESTATE Also in this Issue: MORTGAGE LENDERS REVEAL TOP PRIORITIES FOR 2024 IS A REFI SURGE ON THE HORIZON?

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