DS News

MortgagePoint September 2024

DSNews delivers stories, ideas, links, companies, people, events, and videos impacting the mortgage default servicing industry.

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43 2 0 2 4 W O M E N I N H O U S I N G A W A R D S September 2024 ยป empowering women makes her a deserving candidate for the Leadership by Example Award." WHAT THIS NOMINATION MEANS TO HER "Being nominated for the Leadership by Example award is both an honor and a reflection of the values I strive to embody every day. Throughout my 15-year journey with Rutledge Claims Management, a woman-owned business with a predom- inantly female staff, I've had the privilege of growing alongside some of the most talented women in the industry. In an in- dustry that is traditionally male dominat- ed, this recognition is especially meaning- ful. This nomination represents not just a personal achievement but a testament to the collective strength and dedication of the women I work with. It underscores the importance of fostering an environment where women can lead, innovate, and up- lift one another. As President of RCM, my mission is to continue paving the way for future generations of women in housing, ensuring that they have the support and opportunities to thrive in this field." ROBYN KATZ Partner, McCalla Raymer Leibert Pierce "Robyn Katz is an owner of McCalla Raymer Liebert Pierce, leads the firm's Women's Employee Resource Group, and co-founded the Default Women's Collective (a platform with the mission is to empower women who work in the mortgage default industry by providing them with connections, resources, knowledge, opportunities, and advocacy). Robyn is passionate about connecting with other women in this space, equipping women to become influential agents of change where women can thrive, lead, and transform their communities. She has created virtual programming focused on providing women with critical business skills to succeed, wellness initiatives focused on women's health to spark positive change for physical and mental health, and book discussions focused on leadership and empowerment. Robyn has not only focused on leadership opportunities for women within our firm but also created a community in the default mortgage space. Robyn is also an incredible mother to two children and this past year served as the caregiver to her mother who passed away a few months ago." WHAT THIS NOMINATION MEANS TO HER "Leadership by Example is how I con- duct myself as a professional, a leader, and a lawyer every day of my career. As co-founder of McCalla Raymer Leibert Pierce LLC's Default Women's Collective, our mission is to empower women who work in the mortgage default industry by providing them with connections, resources, knowledge, opportunities, and advocacy to achieve equality, as well as professional and personal success. By connecting women in this space, my mission is to equip women to become influential agents of change where they can thrive, lead, and transform their careers, families, and communities. Some of our dynamic programming has included spotlighting industry women, leading book discussions on topics relevant to women's leadership, providing coaching and mentorship, and supporting women's charities. This nomination is a culmination of a career that has been devoted to supporting and uplifting women, and my hope is that this recognition allows me to continue to create opportunities, open doors, and shatter glass ceilings." WHITNEY WINCE VP Foreclosure & Property Preservation, Newrez LLC "Whitney has been a champion in promoting women in leadership positions, showcas- ing a profound commitment to diversity and inclusion. As a seasoned executive and advocate, Whitney has spearheaded numerous initiatives aimed at breaking glass ceilings and fostering an inclusive workplace culture. She launched ARISE, a development and collaboration program that pair emerging female leaders with senior executives, providing invaluable guidance and support. Whitney also established networking forums and workshops focused on leadership development for women, helping them build the skills and confidence needed to ascend to higher roles. Her efforts have led to a noticeable increase in female representation within upper management in various organiza- tions in Newrez and in the industry. Additionally, Whitney actively collabo- rates with internal employee resource groups to implement initiatives and programs that ensure equal opportuni- ties for all employees. Her unwavering dedication not only empowers women but also enriches organizational dynamics, driving innovation and success through a diverse and inclusive leadership team." WHAT THIS NOMINATION MEANS TO HER "This nomination means a great deal to me in that it gives me an opportunity to be a light in the life of other people. I hope to be someone's inspiration to go for it, to do the things that are on your heart, and to do them in a big way. Do it when you're scared, do it when you don't have it all figured out, and do it even when not everyone around you has a passion for it. I firmly believe that everyone has a unique purpose in life; a mission they were meant to fulfill. My greatest fulfillment comes from helping others recognize and embrace their own unique value. By investing in their growth and development through initiative and programs like ARISE, I aim to empower and elevate those around me to recognize and reach their highest potential."

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