DS News - Digital Archives

Compliance Formula

DSNews delivers stories, ideas, links, companies, people, events, and videos impacting the mortgage default servicing industry.

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» VISIT US ONLINE @ DSNEWS.COM A constant solution in an ever-changing world. A lot has changed in four decades. The world has evolved. The mortgage banking industry has transformed. Throughout those cycles, LOGS Network has been there—providing sustainable, adaptable loan resolution, bankruptcy, and foreclosure services for customers across the country. We are the nation's most comprehensive organization of law firms, title agencies, and trustee companies. We provide a wide range of default services in more than 30 states. And we've been doing it for over four decades. ALABAMA Shapiro & Ingle, LLC Partner: Grady Ingle gingle@logs.com INDIANA Shapiro, Van Ess, Phillips & Barragate, LLP Partner: Christopher Phillips cphillips@LOGS.com ARIZONA Shapiro, Van Ess & Sherman, LLP KANSAS Shapiro & Mock, LLC Partner: Jason Sherman Partner: Linda Mock jsherman@logs.com LMock@logs.com Let LOGS be your resource for resolution. www.LOGS.com 877.551.1234 CALIFORNIA Roberts & Shapiro, LLP Partner: Keefe Roberts kroberts@kralawfirm.com COLORADO Janeway Law Firm, PC Partner: Lynn Janeway lynn@janewaylaw.com KENTUCKY Shapiro, Van Ess, Phillips & Barragate, LLP Partner: Christopher Phillips cphillips@LOGS.com LOUISIANA Shapiro & Daigrepont, LLC Partner: Penny Daigrepont pdaigrepont@LOGS.com FLORIDA – BOCA RATON Shapiro, Fishman & Gaché, LLP MAINE Shapiro & Morley, LLC Partner: Barry Fishman Partner: Leonard F. Morley, Jr. bfishman@logs.com lmorley@logs.com FLORIDA – TAMPA Shapiro, Fishman & Gaché, LLP MARYLAND Shapiro Brown & Alt, LLP Partner: Barry Fishman Partner: Kristine Brown bfishman@logs.com krbrown@logs.com GEORGIA Shapiro, Swertfeger & Hasty, LLP Partner: Philip Hasty phasty@logs.com MASSACHUSETTS Korde & Associates, P.C. Partner: Sanjit Korde SKorde@kordeassoc.com ILLINOIS Fisher and Shapiro, LLC Mng Partner: David S. Kreisman dkreisman@logs.com MINNESOTA Shapiro & Zielke, LLP Partner: Lawrence Zielke lzielke@logs.com MISSISSIPPI Shapiro & Massey, LLC Partner: J.G. (Pete) Massey pmassey@LOGS.com MISSOURI Shapiro & Weisman, LC Partner: Jeffrey Weisman jweisman@logs.com OREGON Shapiro & Sutherland, LLC Partner: Kelly Sutherland KSutherland@logs.com NEW HAMPSHIRE Korde & Associates, P.C. Partner: Sanjit Korde SKorde@kordeassoc.com PENNSYLVANIA Shapiro & DeNardo, LLC Partner: Christopher DeNardo cdenardo@LOGS.com NEW JERSEY Shapiro & DeNardo, LLC Partner: Christopher DeNardo cdenardo@LOGS.com RHODE ISLAND Korde & Associates, P.C. Partner: Sanjit Korde SKorde@kordeassoc.com NEW YORK – ROCHESTER Shapiro, DiCaro & Barak, LLC Partner: John DiCaro jdicaro@LOGS.com TENNESSEE Shapiro & Kirsch, LLP Partner: Joe Kirsch jkirsch@LOGS.com NEW YORK – LONG ISLAND Shapiro, DiCaro & Barak, LLC Partner: Shari Seltzer Barak sbarak@logs.com TEXAS Shapiro Schwartz, LLP Partner: Kirk Schwartz kschwartz@logs.com NORTH CAROLINA Shapiro & Ingle, LLP Partner: Grady Ingle gingle@LOGS.com VIRGINIA+ Shapiro Brown & Alt, LLP Partner: Kristine Brown krbrown@logs.com OHIO Shapiro, Van Ess, Phillips & Barragate, LLP Cincinnati Partner: Christopher Phillips cphillips@LOGS.com CORPORATE LOGS Network 2121 Waukegan Road, Suite 300 Bannockburn, Illinois 60015 877.551.1234 / Fax 847.291.1039 E-mail: info@logs.com Cleveland Partner: Phillip Barragate pbarragate@logs.com OKLAHOMA Shapiro & Cejda, LLC Partner: Kirk Cejda kcejda@LOGS.com INTEGRITY, EXCELLENCE, PERFORMANCE … NATIONWIDE 41

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