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Compliance Formula

DSNews delivers stories, ideas, links, companies, people, events, and videos impacting the mortgage default servicing industry.

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sustain the housing market, in the sense that they are absorbing inventory at stabilized or rising price levels, they may be discouraging further stabilization by keeping prices from rising more. There is strong evidence that investors have played a constructive role in the Las Vegas market, but there is less clear-cut evidence that their continued domination of the market is as constructive. Since the great majority of investors appear eager to maintain their properties so that they can sell them for a profit in a few years, it is less likely that their properties will be neglected and become neighborhood problems. At the same time, to the extent that they are crowding out potential owneroccupant homebuyers, their effect could prove problematic. KNOW THIS IHS Global Insight predicts Nevada won't see a return to peak employment levels until 2018 or beyond. New Jersey 90+ Day Delinquency Rate 3.8% 2.2% 7.2% 4.0% 1.9% 5.7% year-over-year change -9.0% -31.1% -12.3% Top County SullivaN CouNTy 90+ Day Delinquency Rate September 2013 2.8% Foreclosure Rate Foreclosure Rate September 2013 1.9% -3.6% 2.8% 9.6% 2.0% -12.7% -12.5% 3.9% -3.4% Top County EssEx CouNTy TorraNCe CouNTy 90+ Day Delinquency Rate Foreclosure Rate 90+ Day Delinquency Rate September 2013 5.2% 11.4% 2.4% 5.2% year ago 5.5% year ago 13.1% 2.6% year-over-year change -4.8% 7.1% year-over-year change -13.5% Top Core-Based statistical Area -6.9% -26.7% Top Core-Based Statistical area ViNElANd-MillVillE-BridgEToN, NJ 90+ Day Foreclosure Delinquency Rate Rate September 2013 90+ Day Delinquency Rate 7.4% GraNTS, NM 1.7% 10.4% 4.6% year ago 10.2% 2.2% year-over-year change -8.2% -41.5% Top Core-Based Statistical area BerliN, NH-vT Foreclosure Rate September 2013 2.5% year ago 2.9% 2.8% year-over-year change 8.9% -10.8% note: The 90+ day delinquecy rate is the percentage of outstanding mortgage loans that are seriously delinquent. The foreclosure rate is the percentage of outstanding mortgage loans currently in foreclosure. State rank is based on the September 2013 foreclosure rate. All figures are rounded to the nearest decimal. The unemployment rate reflects preliminary September 2013 figures released by the Bureau of Labor Statistics. All other data courtesy of LPS Data & Analytics. 86 Foreclosure Rate September 2013 year ago 8.1% Foreclosure Rate September 2013 5.6% year-over-year change 1.6% note: The 90+ day delinquecy rate is the percentage of outstanding mortgage loans that are seriously delinquent. The foreclosure rate is the percentage of outstanding mortgage loans currently in foreclosure. State rank is based on the September 2013 foreclosure rate. All figures are rounded to the nearest decimal. The unemployment rate reflects preliminary September 2013 figures released by the Bureau of Labor Statistics. All other data courtesy of LPS Data & Analytics. Lisa G Lopez Broker of Record Home Alliance Realty 142 E. Bay Ave Manahawkin, NJ 08050 609-978-9009 (o) 609-384-5109 (c) lglopez@verizon.net www.HomeAllianceRealty.com www.LisaLopezProperties.com -22.1% -18.2% note: The 90+ day delinquecy rate is the percentage of outstanding mortgage loans that are seriously delinquent. The foreclosure rate is the percentage of outstanding mortgage loans currently in foreclosure. State rank is based on the September 2013 foreclosure rate. All figures are rounded to the nearest decimal. The unemployment rate reflects preliminary September 2013 figures released by the Bureau of Labor Statistics. All other data courtesy of LPS Data & Analytics. New York rank: 3 90+ Day Delinquency Rate Foreclosure Rate September 2013 2.9% Unemployment Rate 5.6% 7.6% year ago 3.0% 6.2% 8.5% year-over-year change -5.1% -10.5% -10.6% Top County SullivaN CouNTY 90+ Day Delinquency Rate September 2013 2.8% Foreclosure Rate 2.1% 3.1% 3.5% 3.1% -2.9% year ago year-over-year change 90+ Day Delinquency Rate 6.9% -29.3% Top County 2.1% -10.4% 6.7% year-over-year change year ago 3.1% Unemployment Rate year ago 8.3% 5.0% year ago 2.4% 8.4% 90+ Day Delinquency Rate year-over-year change Unemployment Rate 1.3% Unemployment Rate year ago rank: 35 Foreclosure Rate September 2013 rank: 16 Foreclosure Rate September 2013 New Jersey New Hampshire 90+ Day Delinquency Rate New Mexico rank: 2 STAT INSIGHT +64% Change in New Jersey's REO inventory from Q2 to Q3, the third largest increase in the nation. Source: RealtyTrac 3.5% year-over-year change -10.4% -41.5% Top Core-Based Statistical area amSTerdam, NY 90+ Day Delinquency Rate Foreclosure Rate September 2013 4.7% 9.2% year ago 4.7% 8.7% year-over-year change -1.4% 5.3% note: The 90+ day delinquecy rate is the percentage of outstanding mortgage loans that are seriously delinquent. The foreclosure rate is the percentage of outstanding mortgage loans currently in foreclosure. State rank is based on the September 2013 foreclosure rate. All figures are rounded to the nearest decimal. The unemployment rate reflects preliminary September 2013 figures released by the Bureau of Labor Statistics. All other data courtesy of LPS Data & Analytics.

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