DS News - Digital Archives

The Industry Updates Itself

DSNews delivers stories, ideas, links, companies, people, events, and videos impacting the mortgage default servicing industry.

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Contents of this Issue


Page 63 of 99

62 rofessionals in the lending, default, title, and settlement industry recognize the recent economic environment has created difficult obstacles to forecasting and planning for the future. But what if we could forecast and plan based on our own data? Our own knowledge? With the extended wake of the housing meltdown, the way an enterprise is prepared to respond to such an event can dictate its very survival. Macro events such as dramatic interest-rate increases, government intervention programs, new compliance demands, and shifting loss mitigation strategies have all contributed to an uncertain path for many companies in this space. What was in favor one year can quickly be displaced the next. For example, the government has made repeated attempts to promote refinance and loan restructure programs for at-risk borrowers, whether through the Home Affordable Refinance Program, the Home Affordable Modification Program, or deed-in-lieu campaigns. I N D U S T R Y I N S I G H T / L E E H O W L E T T When times are changing, sometimes finding the best path forward requires a look at the road behind. RETAINING WISDOM

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