DS News

Prudent or Petty

DSNews delivers stories, ideas, links, companies, people, events, and videos impacting the mortgage default servicing industry.

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Contents of this Issue


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default servicing in print and online @ dsnews.com 10.2014 A NEW WORLD, A NEW OPPORTUNITY Problematic as they may be to servicers, the new wave of regulations put in place in the wake of the financial crisis creates an opportunity for field service providers to expand their range of services. A DAY IN COURT: BUILDING A WATERTIGHT DEFENSE BEFORE YOU NEED IT In foreclosure lawsuits, it's not enough just to have followed the rules. There must be evidence that the rules evidence that the rules were followed. EDUCATING EMPLOYEES IN A DYNAMIC INDUSTRY Field services companies must provide on-demand learning to keep up with changes in regulations and guidelines. In the wake of the financial crisis, six banks are paying nearly $65 billion in recent landmark settlements to the federal government, trying to put the past behind them. But are the motivations behind government's actions pure and are the settlements really in the best interest of the American consumer? The Government's Settlement Strategy

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