DS News

A View From the Hill

DSNews delivers stories, ideas, links, companies, people, events, and videos impacting the mortgage default servicing industry.

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Hudson & Marshall and Genesis Auctions, with sister company Genesis Capital, have joined forces to create a real estate disposition platform engineered to meet the needs of the broad spectrum of buyers in today's marketplace. Powered by technology and driven by performance, this powerhouse of companies leverages the strengths of one another to continue to deliver best in class service to its clients, buyers and agents. Proprietary Technology. Proven Strategies. Limitless Scale. Hudson & Marshall, Genesis Auctions, and Genesis Capital stand ready to meet your needs now and in the future. Challenge us. We'll prove it to you. REO | OCCUPIED | FORECLOSURE/TRUSTEE | RESIDENTIAL | COMMERCIAL | ESTATE | VACANT LAND | ONLINE | ONSITE | BALLROOM A PARTNERSHIP DESIGNED WITH A SINGLE FOCUS Selling your assets in the shortest time with the best return 50 50 YEARS YEARS hudsonandmarshall.com | 866.539.4173 genesisauctions.com | genesiscapital.com | 818.661.1778

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