DS News

The Bureau Effect: The New Default Process

DSNews delivers stories, ideas, links, companies, people, events, and videos impacting the mortgage default servicing industry.

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92 Utah RANK: 43 90+ Day Foreclosure Unemployment Delinquency Rate Rate Rate MARCH 2015 1.58% 0.65% 3.4 YEAR AGO 2.00% 0.88% 3.8 YEAR-OVER-YEAR CHANGE -21.4% -25.7% -0.4 Top County EMERY COUNTY 90+ Day Foreclosure Delinquency Rate Rate MARCH 2015 3.51% 2.06% YEAR AGO 3.54% 1.05% YEAR-OVER-YEAR CHANGE -0.8% 96.3% Top Core-Based Statistical Area PRICE, UT 90+ Day Foreclosure Delinquency Rate Rate MARCH 2015 2.23% 1.67% YEAR AGO 2.32% 1.91% YEAR-OVER-YEAR CHANGE -4.2% -12.6% note: The 90+ day delinquecy rate is the percentage of outstanding mortgage loans that are seriously delinquent. The foreclosure rate is the percentage of outstanding mortgage loans currently in foreclosure. State rank is based on the March 2015 foreclosure rate. All fi gures are rounded to the nearest decimal. The unemployment rate refl ects preliminary March 2015 fi gures released by the Bureau of Labor Statistics. All other data courtesy of LPS Data & Analytics. Washington RANK: 26 90+ Day Foreclosure Unemployment Delinquency Rate Rate Rate MARCH 2015 1.55% 1.38% 5.9 YEAR AGO 2.15% 1.78% 6.3 YEAR-OVER-YEAR CHANGE -27.7% -22.5% -0.4 Top County WAHKIAKUM COUNTY 90+ Day Foreclosure Delinquency Rate Rate MARCH 2015 1.02% 3.39% YEAR AGO 3.27% 2.62% YEAR-OVER-YEAR CHANGE -68.9% 29.6% Top Core-Based Statistical Area SHELTON, WA 90+ Day Foreclosure Delinquency Rate Rate MARCH 2015 2.48% 2.54% YEAR AGO 2.96% 2.77% YEAR-OVER-YEAR CHANGE -16.2% -8.4% note: The 90+ day delinquecy rate is the percentage of outstanding mortgage loans that are seriously delinquent. The foreclosure rate is the percentage of outstanding mortgage loans currently in foreclosure. State rank is based on the March 2015 foreclosure rate. All fi gures are rounded to the nearest decimal. The unemployment rate refl ects preliminary March 2015 fi gures released by the Bureau of Labor Statistics. All other data courtesy of LPS Data & Analytics. Wyoming RANK: 40 90+ Day Foreclosure Unemployment Delinquency Rate Rate Rate MARCH 2015 0.96% 0.74% 4.1 YEAR AGO 1.17% 0.54% 4.2 YEAR-OVER-YEAR CHANGE -18.3% 37.5% -0.1 Top County WESTON COUNTY 90+ Day Foreclosure Delinquency Rate Rate MARCH 2015 1.23% 2.54% YEAR AGO 2.18% 0.36% YEAR-OVER-YEAR CHANGE -43.5% 606.6% Top Core-Based Statistical Area GILLETTE, WY 90+ Day Foreclosure Delinquency Rate Rate MARCH 2015 1.41% 1.89% YEAR AGO 2.10% 1.16% YEAR-OVER-YEAR CHANGE -32.9% 62.8% note: The 90+ day delinquecy rate is the percentage of outstanding mortgage loans that are seriously delinquent. The foreclosure rate is the percentage of outstanding mortgage loans currently in foreclosure. State rank is based on the March 2015 foreclosure rate. All fi gures are rounded to the nearest decimal. The unemployment rate refl ects preliminary March 2015 fi gures released by the Bureau of Labor Statistics. All other data courtesy of LPS Data & Analytics. CAPTURING TODAY'S DIVERSE OPPORTUNITIES Enterprising women- and minority-led groups are transforming markets across the country in their efforts to advance recovery. ONLY TIME WILL TELL Foreclosure timelines vary from state to state affecting Americans differently. Is this helping or hurting the industry? THE FINAL WORD ON SERVICING Now that the CFPB has unveiled its mortgage servicing rules, let's take a closer look at these definitive directives and what they mean for servicers. THE ABSOLUTE TRUTH Enforceability of absolute assignments in Chapter 11 can be highly unpredictable, with significant variance from jurisdiction to jurisdiction and judge to judge. Bankruptcy isn't the waiting game it used to be— government programs and settlement terms put homeowners and servicers on the same side of structured progress. default servicing in print and online @ dsnews.com 03.2013 Bankruptcy isn't the waiting game it used to be— RESOLUTION IN BANKRUPTCY DIVERSE OPPORTUNITIES Enterprising women- and THE ABSOLUTE TRUTH Enforceability of absolute assignments in Chapter 11 can be highly unpredictable, with significant variance from jurisdiction to jurisdiction and judge to judge. default servicing in print and online dsnews.com THE FINAL WORD ON SERVICING Now that the CFPB has unveiled its mortgage servicing rules, let's take a closer look at these definitive directives and what they mean for servicers. THE ABSOLUTE TRUTH Enforceability of absolute assignments in Chapter 11 can default servicing in print and online @ dsnews.com PINPOINTING REO VALUES When it comes to distressed addresses, the old adage rings true: It's all about location— of the asset, the economy, and the buyers. ENTER THE eNOTE Electronically signed promissory notes are landing on court dockets. Here's what pros need to know to avoid legal wranglings and get their judicial foreclosures off the ground. JUDICIOUS PROPERTY MANAGER NEEDED Amid budget cuts and promises to eliminate waste, the government is bleeding billions to maintain and secure vacant, underutilized federally owned properties. PINPOINTING REO PINPOINTING REO PINPOINTING REO PINPOINTING REO PINPOINTING REO PINPOINTING REO PINPOINTING REO PINPOINTING REO VALUES VALUES VALUES VALUES VALUES When it comes to When it comes to When it comes to When it comes to When it comes to When it comes to When it comes to distressed addresses, distressed addresses, distressed addresses, distressed addresses, distressed addresses, distressed addresses, distressed addresses, distressed addresses, the old adage rings true: the old adage rings true: the old adage rings true: the old adage rings true: the old adage rings true: the old adage rings true: the old adage rings true: the old adage rings true: It's all about location— It's all about location— It's all about location— It's all about location— It's all about location— It's all about location— It's all about location— of the asset, the economy, of the asset, the economy, of the asset, the economy, of the asset, the economy, of the asset, the economy, of the asset, the economy, of the asset, the economy, of the asset, the economy, of the asset, the economy, and the buyers. and the buyers. and the buyers. and the buyers. and the buyers. and the buyers. and the buyers. ENTER THE ENTER THE ENTER THE ENTER THE ENTER THE ENTER THE eNOTE NOTE NOTE NOTE Electronically signed Electronically signed Electronically signed Electronically signed Electronically signed Electronically signed Electronically signed Electronically signed promissory notes are landing promissory notes are landing promissory notes are landing promissory notes are landing promissory notes are landing promissory notes are landing promissory notes are landing promissory notes are landing promissory notes are landing promissory notes are landing on court dockets. Here's what on court dockets. Here's what on court dockets. Here's what on court dockets. Here's what on court dockets. Here's what on court dockets. Here's what on court dockets. Here's what on court dockets. Here's what on court dockets. Here's what on court dockets. Here's what pros need to know to avoid pros need to know to avoid pros need to know to avoid pros need to know to avoid pros need to know to avoid pros need to know to avoid pros need to know to avoid pros need to know to avoid pros need to know to avoid pros need to know to avoid legal wranglings and get legal wranglings and get legal wranglings and get legal wranglings and get legal wranglings and get legal wranglings and get legal wranglings and get legal wranglings and get legal wranglings and get their judicial foreclosures their judicial foreclosures their judicial foreclosures their judicial foreclosures their judicial foreclosures their judicial foreclosures their judicial foreclosures their judicial foreclosures their judicial foreclosures their judicial foreclosures off the ground. off the ground. off the ground. off the ground. off the ground. JUDICIOUS PROPERTY JUDICIOUS PROPERTY JUDICIOUS PROPERTY JUDICIOUS PROPERTY JUDICIOUS PROPERTY JUDICIOUS PROPERTY JUDICIOUS PROPERTY JUDICIOUS PROPERTY JUDICIOUS PROPERTY JUDICIOUS PROPERTY MANAGER NEEDED MANAGER NEEDED MANAGER NEEDED MANAGER NEEDED MANAGER NEEDED MANAGER NEEDED MANAGER NEEDED MANAGER NEEDED MANAGER NEEDED Amid budget cuts and Amid budget cuts and Amid budget cuts and Amid budget cuts and Amid budget cuts and Amid budget cuts and Amid budget cuts and Amid budget cuts and Amid budget cuts and promises to eliminate promises to eliminate promises to eliminate promises to eliminate promises to eliminate promises to eliminate promises to eliminate promises to eliminate waste, the government waste, the government waste, the government waste, the government waste, the government waste, the government waste, the government waste, the government is bleeding billions to is bleeding billions to is bleeding billions to is bleeding billions to is bleeding billions to is bleeding billions to is bleeding billions to maintain and secure vacant, maintain and secure vacant, maintain and secure vacant, maintain and secure vacant, maintain and secure vacant, maintain and secure vacant, maintain and secure vacant, maintain and secure vacant, underutilized federally underutilized federally underutilized federally underutilized federally underutilized federally underutilized federally underutilized federally underutilized federally underutilized federally owned properties. owned properties. owned properties. owned properties. owned properties. owned properties. owned properties. default servicing in print and online @ dsnews.com 04 .2013 Where Oh Where Did My REO Go? The once- strong stock of bank-owned homes is dialing down in many markets, and numbers seem programmed for a brusque ebb and fl ow. Cover Story THE LEADER IN DEFAULT SERVICING NEWS Help shape the next issue of DS News. Drop us a line at Editor@DSNews.com. Wyoming's serious delinquency rate for March, less than half the national average of 3.9 percent. Source: CoreLogic STAT INSIGHT 1.8%

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