DS News

DS News November 2022

DSNews delivers stories, ideas, links, companies, people, events, and videos impacting the mortgage default servicing industry.

Issue link: http://digital.dsnews.com/i/1484257

Contents of this Issue


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DS News speaks to property preservation experts about how they're navigating economic challenges, a shifting industry landscape, and an exodus of vendor partners as they attempt to maintain strong boots-on-the-ground service. California Court of Appeals Invalidates Default Interest Provision Here's what the First District of the California Court of Appeals recently found in Honchariw v. FJM Private Mortgage Fund, LLC. Bankruptcy Court Weighs in on Chapter 13 Attorney Joel Jensen discusses a recent proceeding involving violations of a bankruptcy rule. Learn the latest and how it could impact the industry. Probate-Foreclosure Knot Untangled? It's not often that a modern-day court relies on case law from 1896, but a recent case did exactly that, examining longstanding friction between Illinois probate and foreclosure law. 5 Things You Need in a Non-QM Portfolio Manager Here are the factors investors must consider in this rapidly changing economic environment. DEFAULT SERVICING TRUSTED RELIABLE INFORMED @ DSNEWS.COM 11.2022 THE FRONT LINES OF PROPERTY PRESERVATION

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