DS News

MortgagePoint May 2024

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MortgagePoint » Your Trusted Source for Mortgage Banking and Servicing News 12 May 2024 M O V E R S & S H A K E R S Dowd joined the OCC in 2006, and has served as Deputy Chief Counsel since 2018. In this position, he is respon- sible for a broad range of legal matters related to bank powers and structure, financial technology, and licensing transactions. Dowd is also responsible for overseeing the operations of all OCC district counsel offices. "Ted's extensive background in banking law and regulation at the OCC, combined with his leadership on inter- agency and OCC initiatives, will ensure continuity and excellence in our Chief Counsel's office while we search for Ben's successor," Acting Comptroller of the Currency Michael J. Hsu said. "I want to recognize Ben's outstanding and steady leadership as Chief Counsel and a mem- ber of our Executive Committee. His dedication and commitment to the OCC and to doing things right have served the American people well. Ben has left an indelible impact on the agency, and I wish him the best in his new role." FHFA ADDS HEAD OF AI The Federal Housing Finance Agency (FHFA) has announced that Tracy Stephan has been named Chief Artificial Intelli- gence Officer (CAIO) and will continue to manage the FHFA Office of Financial Technology. The FHFA's CAIO will manage AI risk, promote AI innovation, and lead effective AI governance in accordance with Executive Order 14110 on the Safe, Secure, and Trustworthy Development and Use of Artificial Intelligence, as well as the related Office of Management and Budget Memo on Advancing Gover- nance, Innovation, and Risk Manage- ment for Agency Use of AI. "Establishing a Chief AI Officer underscores FHFA's commitment to understanding new developments in technology and the marketplace and incorporating those insights into our day-to-day work," FHFA Director Sandra L. Thompson said. "Through her role leading the Office of Financial Technol- ogy, Tracy has been a leader in FHFA's work on AI, and she is well prepared to lead this into the future." Stephan, a 25-year mortgage tech- nology veteran, leads FHFA's Office of Financial Technology. In this position, she leads a team tasked with assisting the Agency's efforts to identify technol- ogy-driven advancements in housing finance, analyze the related risks, and enable the development of responsible innovation in FHFA-regulated firms. She joined FHFA from Fannie Mae, where she held various positions spanning Enterprise Innovation, Data, Software Engineering, and Product Man- agement. In these roles, she led difficult digital transformation efforts, oversaw mission-critical technology operations, and drove large-scale innovation. Lenders/Servicers EXECUTIVE LEADERSHIP SHIFT AT MR. COOPER Mr. Cooper Group Inc. has announced the appointment of two new senior leaders, as Ranjit Bhattacharjee joins the executive leadership team as EVP and Chief Investment Officer, overseeing capital markets and correspondent lending for the "Establishing a Chief AI Officer underscores FHFA's commitment to understanding new developments in technology and the marketplace and incorporating those insights into our day- to-day work." —Sandra L. Thompson, Director, FHFA Bhattacharjee Barker

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