DS News

MortgagePoint May 2024

DSNews delivers stories, ideas, links, companies, people, events, and videos impacting the mortgage default servicing industry.

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35 May 2024 F E A T U R E S T O R Y May 2024 » sector," Anderson said. "As an industry, we share the responsibility to take steps to overcome historical inequities within the U.S. housing system, especially as homeownership remains a major driver of generational wealth. As a company, we're committed to removing barriers to affordable rental housing and home- ownership for historically underserved populations." When asked about the ever-changing landscape of D&I, Anderson said that Fannie Mae has prioritized transparency, performance assessment, and shared accountability in recent years by having frequent discussions with leadership, the Board of Directors, and staff members about overall success and potential. Anderson explained that the link between diversity and organizational success has been extensively document- ed. "Demographics are shifting," she said. More than 50% of college graduates identify as female. Moreover, half of the under-18 population identifies as persons of color. In addition to changing demo- graphics, employee expectations have shifted. Times are changing, and Ander- son notes that employees today expect— and deserve—a diverse and inclusive workforce, as well as the opportunity to be seen and have their voices heard. Anderson added that once a D&I strategy has been established, it's im- portant to follow it up with an execution plan that aligns with company goals. D&I must be embraced at the highest levels of business, including executive teams and the Board of Directors. "If we are not addressing the diverse needs of our employees and the com- munities we serve, we are not setting ourselves up for success," Anderson said. "There is always room for improvement, which is why we're so focused on trans- parency, accountability, and measure- ment." Subscribe to MortgagePoint and MortgagePoint Digital now! Call 800.856.8060 to take advantage of our special introductory offer! Experts you trust. People you know. News you want. MortgagePoint is putting essential mortgage market news at your fingertips with our new digital edition, now available online via your smartphone, tablet, or computer. Enjoy the magazine at your desk, and tap into MortgagePoint Digital's easily accessible platform anywhere, anytime. Committed to giving originators, servicers, and all lending professionals access to smarter perspectives, MortgagePoint believes it's time to think differently about the mortgage industry. Because the American Dream is evolving . . . are you? Brought to you by & JUNE 2023 PROMOTING D&I IN THE MORTGAGE INDUSTRY NAVIGATING THE WILD, WILD WEST OF DIGITAL CLOSING PROVIDERS MORTGAGE LENDERS ARE MOVING QUICKLY TO ADOPT DIGITAL CLOSINGS. Also in this Issue: RETHINKING REVERSE MORTGAGE LENDING LENDERS TODAY ARE LOOKING AT REVERSE MORTGAGES AS ANOTHER LOAN PRODUCT TO ADD TO THEIR MENU OF OFFERINGS. Better Together Magazine Y O U R T R U S T E D S O U R C E F O R M O R T G A G E B A N K I N G A N D S E R V I C I N G N E W S

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