DS News

MortgagePoint May 2024

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MortgagePoint » Your Trusted Source for Mortgage Banking and Servicing News 46 May 2024 F E A T U R E S T O R Y es people to attend these meetings. I would conscientiously and deliberately make sure that the topics were relevant, and that people interested in sharing best practices would be the ones who made it to the roster. Q: How does NMSA contribute to industry thought leadership? Martin-Leano: NMSA is a safe forum to speak your mind because we provide anonymity and protection for people who may have differing opinions or strong opinions on things that may be being drafted. I also feel like just having that NMSA name and not having to put forth personalities would allow people to provide more candor. Q: Are there any other initiatives or ideas you want NMSA to pursue? Martin-Leano: I want to give Ed Delgado credit for setting up the Mortgage Servicing Executive Alliance (MSEA), a forum to facilitate progress, col- laboration, mentorship, and networking for mortgage industry executives. MSEA will join NMSA as a group that represents thought leadership and best practices in mortgage servicing. MSEA was conceived about six months ago, so there wasn't a whole lot of time for me to get to know them during my tenure, but if I could cast a dream, it would be nice for NMSA and MSEA to begin to work together. Then, we can be part of mentoring younger leaders and giving them a more senior and seasoned perspective on things. That was a good move conceived by Ed, which was met with tremendous acceptance and enthusi- asm. There were many capable members who came into the MSEA, and so the cross-pollination of the two organizations will be powerful. Q: What would you envision for mentorship? If you were staying on longer as NMSA Chair and were going to propose something, would you imagine that to be something more structured where members are literally paired off with a mentor? Martin-Leano: A person who is an expert on default in NMSA, and a person who is also a subject matter expert on default in MSEA could work together. People in the NMSA who have ridden through multiple cycles … we have been through a COVID-19 cycle. Others have been through the mortgage meltdown of 2006-2007. We can give more to those coming behind us that may not have ridden through as many cycles. Q: What are some pieces of advice you would pass on to John as he begins his journey as NMSA Chair? Martin-Leano: I would devote time to making sure that you are current and know what's happening with all the issues in the industry, because this is an industry that moves fast. The second is just being able to work on cultivating relation- ships. He already has these relationships anyway, so he just needs to continue to strengthen his relationships one-on-one with different servicers, because that allows you to become more effective in soliciting ideas and input. You have to be conscientious about all of the salient and relevant issues, and it's so fast moving that you have to stay current. If you just miss it by a week, you may become obsolete. Another thing is to always look at the environment because there is just so much going on in the world. You've got emerging technology, you've got geopolit- ical risk … and sitting in the NMSA, you are always watching the horizon for what may be coming at you. "NMSA is a safe forum to speak your mind because we provide anonymity and protection for people who may have differing opinions or strong opinions on things that may be being drafted. " —Jocelyn Martin-Leano, NMSA Chair, 2022-2024

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