DS News

MortgagePoint May 2024

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May 2024 » thefivestar.com 65 May 2024 J O U R N A L duct education and outreach activities to inform the public, housing providers, and local governments about rights and responsibilities that exist under the Fair Housing Act. "The Fair Housing Initiatives Program provides crucial support and re- sources to eliminate housing discrimina- tion in communities across the country including those experiencing discrimi- nation based on religion, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), race and the Fair Housing Act's other four protected classes," said Demetria L. McCain, HUD's Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary for Fair Housing and Equal Opportunity. "Although the Fair Housing Act was passed nearly fifty-six years ago, far too many people still face illegal housing discrimination. Through the collaborative efforts of HUD and its fair housing partners, we continue to make every effort to root out discrimina- tion in housing." HUD Awards Grants in the Following Categories and Amounts: Private Enforcement Initiative (PEI)—This initiative funds nonprofit fair housing organizations to carry out testing and enforcement activities to pre- vent or eliminate discriminatory housing practices. » HUD is awarding $16,704,250 to orga- nizations to conduct intake, provide testing, and investigate and litigate fair housing complaints under the Fair Housing Act. Education and Outreach Initiative (EOI)—This program offers support for fair housing activities that educate the public and housing providers about equal opportunity in housing and com- pliance with the fair housing laws. » HUD is awarding $9,466,207 to organizations that educate the public and housing providers about the Fair Housing Act. These grants will also support state and local organiza- tions that enhance fair housing laws substantially equivalent to the Fair Housing Act. Education and Outreach Initiative Test Coordinator Training (EOI- TCT)—FHIP is a significant source of funding for grantees that conduct fair housing testing in local communities across the country. Fair housing testing refers to the use of testers who pose as prospective renters or buyers of real estate for the purpose of determining whether housing providers, real estate agents, appraisers, lenders, and others are complying with the Fair Housing Act. » HUD is awarding $500,000 to one organization to support fair housing training courses specifically in fair housing testing. Fair Housing Organizations Ini- tiative (FHOI)—This program provides funding that builds the capacity and effectiveness of nonprofit fair housing organizations by providing funds to handle fair housing enforcement and education initiatives more effectively. FHOI also strengthens the fair housing movement nationally by encouraging the creation and growth of organizations that focus on the rights and needs of underserved groups, particularly persons with disabilities. » HUD is awarding $3,700,000 to nonprofit organizations to conduct fair housing enforcement related activities. "The funds provided today will ensure that our state and local partners have the financial resources they need to fight discriminatory practices and edu- cate the public about their fair housing rights and responsibilities," McCain said. HUD commemorated Fair Housing Month with an Opening Ceremony on April 11, 2024, and showcased HUD's efforts to advance and protect fair hous- ing rights to ensure that all people have the right to obtain the housing of their choice, free from discrimination. "The Fair Housing Initiatives Program provides crucial support and resources to eliminate housing discrimination in communities across the country including those experiencing discrimination based on religion, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), race and the Fair Housing Act's other four protected classes." —Demetria L. McCain, Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary for Fair Housing and Equal Opportunity, HUD

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