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MortgagePoint May 2024

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May 2024 » thefivestar.com 61 May 2024 J O U R N A L MILLENNIALS RETAKE MANTLE OF LARGEST GENERATION OF HOMEBUYERS A ccording to the National Association of Realtors (NAR), millennials (now 25 to 43 years old) have surpassed baby boomers be- coming the largest group of home buyers in the country. Currently buying 38% of homes, millennials have surged ahead in the last year in their home buying endeavors, where last year they were buying 28% of homes. Boomers (now 59-77-years-old) decreased their home buying habits from purchasing 39% of homes to 31% of homes currently. "The generational tug-of-war between millennials and baby boomers continued this year, with millennials rebounding to capture the largest share of home buyers," said Dr. Jessica Lautz, NAR Deputy Chief Economist and VP of Research. "This notable rise is attributed to both younger millennials stepping into homeownership for the first time and older millennials transitioning to larger homes that suit their evolving needs." According to NAR, the report under- scored a rise in first-time buyers across many generations, with 32% of all buyers purchasing for the first time, an increase from 26% last year. Leading the charge were younger millennials, whose propor- tion of first-time buyers increased from 70% to 75% over the past year. Forty-four percent of older millennials and 24% of Generation X (ages 44-58) were first-time buyers. NAR continued by saying, in parallel, the emergence of Generation Z (ages 18-24) in the housing market paints a picture of diversity and independence. While this cohort only accounted for 3% of all buyers, an impressive 31% of Gen Z purchasers were single females—a proportion significantly higher than that observed in any other generation. "Gen Z buyers are entering the housing market, and their demographics are emerging distinctly from other age groups," Lautz said. "More than half are single buyers, outpacing all age groups of single men and single women, and they are also most likely to identify as LGBTQ+." Despite these shifts in buyer trends, baby boomers remained the largest home-seller generation, accounting for 45% of all sellers in 2023. The tenure of homeownership before making a sale varied significantly by generation. While the median among all buyers was a 10- year stay before selling, older millennials typically sold their homes after just six years, contrasting sharply with Gen X, baby boomers, and the Silent Generation (ages 78-98), who typically stayed in their homes for 15 years. "Baby boomers continue to domi- nate the home-selling market as they make pivotal decisions regarding their retirement living situations, whether it's right-sizing or moving closer to loved ones," Lautz said. "Benefiting from lon- ger periods of homeownership compared to other generations, boomers approach these transactions with substantial equi- ty, enabling strategic housing trades." "The universal value of owning a home transcends every generation, serv- ing as a cornerstone for both personal prosperity and community develop- ment," said NAR President Kevin Sears, Broker/Partner of Sears Real Estate in Springfield, Massachusetts. "In navigat- ing the complexities of the market, buy- ers and sellers continue to rely on agents who are Realtors for their expertise and guidance, underscoring the invaluable service they provide in bringing dreams of homeownership to life."

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