DS News - Digital Archives

Compliance Formula

DSNews delivers stories, ideas, links, companies, people, events, and videos impacting the mortgage default servicing industry.

Issue link: http://digital.dsnews.com/i/220371

Contents of this Issue


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Information Management Network (IMN) is looking forward to being back in Scottsdale for our 2nd Annual Single Family Aggregation Strategies: The REO-to-Rental Forum December 4-6. This forum will again promise to discuss the latest strategies andmanagement intricacies of Institutional-level Investment in single family houses as well as how Banks, Home Builders and other owners are dealing with their portfolio of foreclosed and vacant properties. We look forward to seeing you again this fall. Some of the highlights of our April Florida Forum include: • 800+ Registrations • 110+ Speakers • 71 Sponsors/Exhibitors • 25 Information-Packed Sessions *Plus* The Scottsdale Forum has been lengthened to 3 days and you can expect * More Networking time * A Golf Tournament

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