DSNews delivers stories, ideas, links, companies, people, events, and videos impacting the mortgage default servicing industry.
Issue link: http://digital.dsnews.com/i/1503449
Brought to you by & JULY 2023 Keeping Afloat TIME TO DOUBLE DOWN ON THE CONSUMER EXPERIENCE The sales numbers may not be where lenders would like to see them yet, but people do want to buy, according to new research. Here's what homebuyers are saying and what lenders can do to win their business. WHEN A SERVICER CAN TAKE POSSESSION OF A PROPERTY Attorney Joseph T. McCormick details a recent Ninth Circuit opinion on when a servicer can take possession of a property under the Oregon Unlawful Trade Practices Act. COLORADO SUPREME COURT WEIGHS IN ON BANKRUPTCY & FORECLOSURE A recent Colorado Supreme Court decision held that a discharge in bankruptcy does not trigger the statute of limitations on a claim to foreclose based on a deed of trust. RON & FRAUD: THERE'S MORE TO THE STORY While a small fraction of RON transactions may involve fraudulent activity, we have advanced tools at our disposal to stay ahead of bad actors. Magazine Y O U R T R U S T E D S O U R C E F O R M O R T G A G E B A N K I N G A N D S E R V I C I N G N E W S MortgagePoint speaks with mortgage servicing execs from BOK Financial, Carrington, the NMSA, PHH Mortgage Corporation, and Servbank about the unusual times and unusual opportunities the industry faces midway through 2023.