DS News

MortgagePoint May 2024

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May 2024 ยป thefivestar.com 5 May 2024 M T E C H ICE INTRODUCES NEW INTERFACE I ntercontinental Exchange Inc. (ICE) has introduced the MSP Digital Ex- perience (MSP DX), a new conversa- tional interface for working in MSP, ICE's mortgage loan servicing system. MSP DX is designed to streamline workflows, increase efficiencies, and ease the training of servicing team members. ICE launched this new interface with escrow, historically one of the most-costly aspects of mortgage servicing. "Mortgage escrow is inherently complex, and the technology lift to handle the many moving parts is significant," said Tim Bowler, President of ICE Mortgage Technology. "But with the introduction of MSP DX, we are helping servicers manage the escrow process more efficiently. This will enhance workflow management for servicers and improve the household experience." MSP DX gives end users the sort of conversational interaction they have come to expect in other aspects of their lives. Rather than sorting through multiple screens or reaching out to different depart- ments for information, servicing profes- sionals can now ask the system for what they need using everyday language. "MSP DX represents a significant leap forward for the industry and serves up what users need, when they need it," Bowler said. "It automates routine tasks so users can focus on more strategic and meaningful work. While we started with escrow, we will continue to make further investments to en- hance workflow and flatten learning curves throughout the mortgage servicing process." DARK MATTER AND TOTAL EXPERT ANNOUNCE PARTNERSHIP D ark Matter Technologies has announced a new partnership with Total Expert, the customer engagement platform purpose-built for modern financial institutions. A forthcom- ing bi-directional integration between Total Expert and the Empower loan origination system (LOS) from Dark Matter will em- power mortgage lenders to generate more leads, improve sales productivity, and close more loans by intelligently automating and personalizing the homebuyer journey. "This highly anticipated collaboration will allow mortgage lenders to harness the combined efficiency of Total Expert and the Empower LOS, both linchpins of the mortgage tech stack and category leaders in intelligent automation, for the first time," Dark Matter CEO Rich Gagliano said. "We expect this integration to deliver huge business value for mortgage lenders at a time when greater efficiency and a straight-line path to revenue growth are paramount." Total Expert's customer engagement platform is trusted by more than 200 financial enterprises, and customers of Total Expert have reported a 20% revenue increase in their first year and loan reten- tion rates of more than 60%. "Lenders who chose the Empower LOS for its ability to optimize the origi- nation process through automation are going to love modernizing their customer engagement with Total Expert," Total Ex- pert Founder and CEO Joe Welu said. "We can't wait to help Dark Matter customers put their best foot forward in a competitive market and strengthen customer relation- ships for long-term success." FREDDIE MAC VERIFIES VESTA F reddie Mac has verified Vesta, a national mortgage loan origina- tion system (LOS), for Loan Qual- ity Advisor, Loan Selling Advisor, and the Uniform Loan Delivery Dataset (ULDD). The verifications indicate that the delivery services of Vesta's LOS are now fully integrated with Loan Quality Advisor and Loan Selling Advisor, enabling mort- gage lenders using the LOS to access the Freddie Mac tools. Mortgage lenders use the ULDD as part of the loan manufac- turing process to enhance the accuracy and quality of loan data required at loan delivery and to deliver that data. "We sincerely value our collaboration with Freddie Mac," said Mike Yu, CEO and Co-Founder of Vesta. "In deepening our integrations, we are not only better serving the lending ecosystem, but demonstrating our mission to serve lenders seeking new levels of flexibility and scalability from their lending platforms." Vesta's LOS features the capability of inversion of control, which empowers the technology to make basic decisions in a process, freeing employees for more complex and productive tasks. The system provides lenders with a modern system of record, customizable workflows for end-to- end mortgage loan fulfillment process and open, cloud-based APIs. "Loan Quality Advisor and Loan Selling Advisor are among the many tools Freddie Mac makes available to our software busi- ness partners to assist mortgage lenders," said Christina Randolph, VP of Distribu- tion, Single-Family Acquisitions at Freddie Mac. "We have worked closely with Vesta to confirm that their interface meets the standards required for our integration and verification specifications, and Vesta has clearly met those standards. We look for- ward to working with them to help lenders evaluate the quality of the data upon which their loan decisions are based." LOCAL LOGIC COLLABORATES WITH HOMEGENIUS L ocal Logic, a location insights pro- vider for the real estate industry, has partnered with homegenius, a subsidiary of Radian Group. This collabo- ration will integrate Local Logic's advanced location insights with homegenius' ecosys- tem of real estate and technology services. Through the partnership, Local Logic's Local Content and Local Maps products are incorporated into the homegenius plat- form. Local Content enhances property listings with detailed lifestyle and location scores across 18 distinct categories, includ- ing services, transportation, and neigh- borhood character. Meanwhile, Local Maps offers a dynamic, heatmap-based

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