DS News

MortgagePoint October 2024

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MortgagePoint » Your Trusted Source for Mortgage Banking and Servicing News 32 October 2024 F E A T U R E S T O R Y consciously think of your lenses and what you are using. For example, when you are working with a lot of men, it's less about the emotion, and more about setting expectations because they like to fix things. It's very cut and dry … if something's bro- ken, let's go fix it. The engineering aspect helps me translate things better. If you are talking with women, it is more about the shared experience. How are we all sensing things? How are we processing the world? It may not be fixing. The art of fixing is in the talking … it's two different things. I learned at an early age that when you are talking to people in senior management, especially men, you must have your act together in terms of being able to clarify a problem and what the givens are. If you are running around in circles, it just does not make sense. Women tend to think more holistically. We go around, we come back, and we also know how to navigate. We get to the same endpoint, it's just a different path. You must understand the audience and how to best operate with them. I gave you stereotypes, but not everybody is like that. Some males like to go around and be different that way. And there are females who are very much like men and worse than men in terms of being cut and dried. It doesn't cut across genders necessarily, but more like how they frame their thinking. So that's number one. The second thing about males is making them comfortable enough where you find an advocate for you. There are male sponsors and female sponsors, and you need both. It gives them the comfort that they do not have to do extra work for you, that you blend in and you're smooth, frictionlessly able to work with them. Q: What advice can you pass on to people who may be coming up in the industry? Are there people you have mentored? How do you feel like your experience has helped those people? Martin-Leano: There is a question here about legacy, and I think my legacy will be measured in terms of not how many businesses I helped build, and how much money I help people make, but in terms What Jocelyn's Colleagues Have to Say: "She's the smartest person in the room—maybe because she's just that smart, but also because she's always so prepared." —Linda Noah, Executive Director, Petros Network

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