DS News

MortgagePoint October 2024

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55 October 2024 » 2 0 2 4 F I V E S T A R C O N F E R E N C E & E X P O another, we foster a collaborative and empowering environment that benefits everyone. Remember, your voice and perspective are crucial, so trust in your abilities and take ownership of your career journey. Together, we can create a more inclusive and dynamic industry. Leadership by Example Award AUBREY GILMORE HALIM President, Rutledge Claims Management, Inc. Q: What are your proudest career achievements thus far? I'm proud to have led Rutledge Claims Management (RCM) through some challenging yet transformative periods, particularly after stepping into the role of COO and, later, President. One of my proudest moments was leading the overhaul of our internal claims management software, a project that required thoughtful collabora- tion and innovation. The improvements we implemented have significantly streamlined our operations and enhanced the service we provide to clients. Balancing these responsibilities while raising a young family, including my return to work after having twins, has been a deeply rewarding aspect of my career. Q: Are there any women who have served as career mentors for you, and what did you learn from them? Over the last several years, I've had the privilege of working closely with our CEO and owner, Allison Rutledge, who has been an incredible mentor to me. Early in my management career, she brought me into high-level meetings, giving me the exposure and confidence to have a voice at the table. Through her guidance, I found my voice and learned the importance of speaking up and trusting my instincts. She taught me that honesty, hard work, and a positive attitude can carry you far, and I've carried those lessons throughout my career. Allison's belief in me helped me believe in myself, and I'm grateful for the invaluable mentorship she's provided. Q: What is the most critical piece of advice you would give to women beginning their careers in this industry? The most critical piece of advice I'd give to women starting their careers in this industry is to put in the work and not expect success to come to you. Hard work and dedication are key, but it's equally important to build strong connections. Networking is invaluable—it opens doors, creates opportunities, and helps you grow. Be receptive to change, as this industry is constantly evolving, and adapting is crucial for long-term success. Stay proactive in seeking out learning opportunities, and don't shy away from new challenges. Trust yourself, keep pushing forward, and always remain open to growth and transformation. Keys in Hand Award TAI CHRISTENSEN President, Arrive Home Q: What are your proudest career achievements thus far? Being a co-founder of our company Arrive Home has been the most fulfilling career achievement of my 20+ year career in the mortgage industry. Our team provides down payment assistance and other special-purpose credit programs to predominantly low-to-moderate-income consumers in marginalized communities to help them achieve their dream of owning a home. With homeownership being the number one vehicle for wealth creation for most Americans, it fills me with pride to know we are assisting thousands of families each month to get their foot on the property ladder. Q: Are there any women who have served as career mentors for you, and what did you learn from them? I have been fortunate enough to have two female mentors in my life, both pivotal in my journey through the mortgage industry. I've learned much from both ladies over the years, but the greatest lesson I learned from each of them is to remain authentic at all times and in all places. Sometimes, we as women feel the desire to remain quiet or default to the decisions of the men in the room. By working closely with both of my mentors, I've learned how to stand firm in my convictions to my corporation, my team, and our customers, while remaining malleable enough to always remain open to learn. Having such incredible female mentors in a male-dominated industry has shown me that regardless of your gender, with hard work, determination, and strong conviction, it is possible to achieve your dreams. Q: What is the most critical piece of advice you would give to women beginning their careers in this industry? At the beginning of my career in 2003, a friend gave me one piece of advice that has remained with me to this day: create a hard stop time each day and walk away from your desk. Corporate burnout is real and happens quite frequently due to working beyond your energetic and physical abilities. Having a specific daily time when you commit to yourself to stop working and walk away from your desk will help ensure that you are taking the appropriate time for self- care. Being highly productive does not

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