DS News

MortgagePoint October 2024

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67 October 2024 J O U R N A L "Ensuring fair access to quality and affordable housing for people who have been historically discriminated against is one of the foundations of our mission." —Adrianne Todman, HUD Acting Secretary forcement through a range of activities, including conducting thorough inves- tigations, implementing fair housing testing to uncover instances of discrimi- nation in both rental and sales markets, and taking the necessary steps to file fair housing complaints either with HUD or equivalent state and local agencies. The grantees will also engage in educational and outreach initiatives to educate the public, housing providers, and local government bodies about the rights and obligations outlined in the Fair Housing Act and the fair housing services that grantees provide. "Ensuring fair access to quality and affordable housing for people who have been historically discriminated against is one of the foundations of our mis- sion," HUD Acting Secretary Adrianne Todman said. "As part of our commit- ment to promote inclusive communities around the country, we support local governments and private organizations to ensure they have the tools they need to enforce the Fair Housing Act. Today's awards are providing significant resourc- es to our private partners on the ground." HUD is also extending financial sup- port to an additional five grantees under the Education and Outreach Initiative (EOI) component, using $500,000 in unspent funds from the FY 2023 budget: • Family Housing Advisory Services • Rogers Park Community Council • Housing Opportunities Project for Excellence (HOPE) Inc. • Intermountain Fair Housing Council Inc. • Fair Housing Council of Riverside County Inc. "The Fair Housing Initiative Program continues to be a bedrock for empow- ering our state and local partners in advancing fair housing at the grassroots level," said Diane M. Shelley, HUD's Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary for Fair Housing and Equal Opportunity. "The funds provided today will drive meaningful progress and create lasting positive impact within the communities we serve." HUD is awarding grants in the fol- lowing categories: • Private Enforcement Initiative (PEI): This initiative funds nonprofit fair housing organizations to conduct testing and enforcement activities to prevent or eliminate discriminatory housing practices. • Education and Outreach Initiative (EOI): This program offers support for fair housing activities that educate the public and housing providers about equal opportunity in housing and compliance with the fair housing laws. BIDEN-HARRIS ADMINISTRATION AWARDS MILLIONS TO 'PROTECT AND EMPOWER' LOW- INCOME TENANTS T he U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) awarded $10 million in grants to expand tenant education opportunities and resources for low-income residents of homes supported by the Section 8 Project-Based Rental Assistance (PBRA) program. This funding will support capacity-building efforts that enable thousands of tenants who live in HUD's project-based rental assistance housing to more effectively engage with property managers and owners to help sustain safe, decent, and affordable housing. Funding awarded today can be used for training and technical assistance, as well as establishing and operating tenant organizations. Providing new funding to support tenant organizing efforts advanc- es Biden-Harris administration goals to protect renters, give them a voice, and ensure that all Americans have access to safe, quality, and affordable housing and was a key action from the Blueprint for a Renters Bill of Rights.

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