DS News

MortgagePoint October 2024

DSNews delivers stories, ideas, links, companies, people, events, and videos impacting the mortgage default servicing industry.

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MortgagePoint » Your Trusted Source for Mortgage Banking and Servicing News 6 October 2024 M T E C H documents, we're providing our clients with a powerful tool that enhances operational efficiency and ensures accuracy throughout the loan processing workflow." 90-DAY SALES MANAGER LAUNCHES NEW CRM SOFTWARE FOR MORTGAGE TEAMS 9 0-Day Sales Manager launched its activity-based CRM with built- in coaching and accountability for mortgage teams at credit unions and community banks. The platform provides mortgage departments with an affordable solution to help loan officers stay productive during challenging times. "Accountable CRM was born out of necessity," says Dr. Bruce Lund, Founder and CEO. "We initially sought to integrate our accountability software into existing CRMs for our credit union clients. However, we quickly discovered that many mortgage departments either lacked a dedicated mortgage CRM or rely on organizational CRMs that don't meet the needs of their mortgage departments. Accountable can plug into existing CRMs or serve as a standalone mortgage-specific CRM." Once the accountability tools were established, the next critical step was to develop mortgage-specific features and integrations. To lead this initiative, Dr. Lund brought on board Maggie Mae, a former Director of Product at a leading mortgage CRM, renowned for her exper- tise in CRM development and her deep understanding of the mortgage industry. "Maggie's impressive track record in CRM development and her com- prehensive understanding of mortgage processes made this platform the perfect playground for her expertise," Dr. Lund said. "With her insights, we've built a platform that not only fulfills all the expectations of a mortgage CRM but also integrates our unique accountability software to truly set us apart." Accountable CRM includes a host of functionalities such as Loan Origination System (LOS) integrations, automated email marketing, and a mortgage market- ing suite with hundreds of templates. The marketing suite offers one-click access to company-branded fliers, postcards, social posts, and more—all approved and man- aged by the marketing department. "Accountable CRM's emphasis on activity tracking and its commitment to supporting loan officers resonated deeply with me," said Maggie Mae, Chief of Product. "The software is built on new technology which allows for continuous innovation and seamless integration with industry standards, making this software truly unique in the mortgage CRM space." VEROS LAUNCHES NEW INTERACTIVE TOOL IVALUATION V eros Real Estate Solutions has introduced iVALUATION—a new platform that provides housing finance professionals with in- sights to be confident in the accuracy of a property valuation. Engineered to help validate property valuations, iVALUATION empowers users to interact with the data and refine property characteristics, enhancing the accuracy and reliability of property value estimates. This tool simplifies research, streamlines the selection of compara- ble sales, and expedites verification of property valuations—all while produc- ing detailed, professional reports to help drive well-informed decisions across the real estate landscape. Designed with the needs of mort- gage originators, home equity lenders, appraisal reviewers, investors, and a wide array of other housing finance profes- sionals, iVALUATION is a resource, par- ticularly for navigating the complexities of Reconsideration of Value (ROV) claims processes. The platform's capabilities of- fer the ability to cross-reference detailed property data with multiple listing ser- vices and public records, selecting from up to one hundred comparable proper- ties and refining valuations by adjusting Women in Housing Leadership Awards HONORING THE ACHIEVEMENTS OF THE MORTGAGE INDUSTRY'S Top Women Business Leaders Brought to you by & YOUR TRUSTED SOURCE FOR MORTGAGE BANK ING AND SERVICING NEWS SEPTEMBER 2024 Magazine Subscribe to MortgagePoint and MortgagePoint Digital now! Call 800.856.8060 to take advantage of our special offer! Experts you trust. People you know. News you want. MortgagePoint is putting essential mortgage market news at your fingertips with our new digital edition, now available online via your smartphone, tablet, or computer. Enjoy the magazine at your desk, and tap into MortgagePoint Digital's easily accessible platform anywhere, anytime. Committed to giving originators, servicers, and all lending professionals access to smarter perspectives, MortgagePoint believes it's time to think differently about the mortgage industry. Because the American Dream is evolving . . . are you? Brought to you by & YOUR TRUSTED SOURCE FOR MORTGAGE BANK ING AND SERVICING NEWS Magazine APRIL 2024 ECLOSINGS AS A SOLUTION ... NOT THE PROBLEM Angel Hernandez of Stavvy takes a look at how disjointed tech stacks are costing every stakeholder in the closing process, from lenders to homeowners. ACCESS AND EDUCATION DRIVING HOMEOWNERSHIP AMONG DIVERSE COMMUNITIES BRIDGING THE HOMEOWNERSHIP GAP IN THE LGBTQ+ COMMUNITY Pursuing education and reaching out to the LGBTQ+ community will help lending and real estate professionals build their business and advance the homeownership rate within the community. THE IMPORTANCE OF VACANT PROPERTY REGISTRATIONS How tracking vacant properties can help owners avoid the nuisance and expense of violations, while keeping their properties maintained and up to community standards. IN THIS ISSUE With the White House announcing a raft of housing-related proposals in his State of the Union, MortgagePoint asks industry experts and economists to gauge how effective they could be...and if they have a shot of being implemented. A WORK IN PROGRESS SIMPLIFYING THE DIGITAL MORTGAGE PAYMENT PROCESS How enhancing payment processes with modern technology can smooth the remittance experience for consumers, and enable greater speed, efficiency, and control of collections for lenders. BRINGING THE MORTGAGE JOURNEY FULL CIRCLE WITH DIGITAL TECHNOLOGY As mortgage technology continues to evolve, Joey McDuffee of Blue Sage Solutions details how the end result is not just the ability to perform operations quicker, but to achieve optimal cohesion across a mortgage lender's entire operation. HOW TO BUILD VOLUME IN TODAY'S MARKET Wading through a down market is a challenge for all in the industry, but positioning yourself to help navigate through the complexities of the current market can turn you into a homebuyer's hero. EXPERT INSIGHTS ATTRACTING CUSTOMERS IN A DOWN MARKET A Q&A With Nate Den Herder, MBA, Founder and CEO, Ardley Technologies Brought to you by & YOUR TRUSTED SOURCE FOR MORTGAGE BANK ING AND SERVICING NEWS JUNE 2024 Magazine GOOD SERVICE IS SUSTAINABLE VRM Mortgage Services' leadership team discusses how the company's "diversity of thought" and commitment to serving communities has made them an industry staple for nearly 20 years. ALSO IN THIS ISSUE:

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