DS News

MortgagePoint June 2024

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MortgagePoint » Your Trusted Source for Mortgage Banking and Servicing News 6 June 2024 M T E C H service providers with the Empower loan origination system (LOS) and other systems of record, will have access to a broad range of Clear Capital products and services. This includes ClearAVM, Clear Capital's automated valuation model (AVM). The Exchange Service Network makes it easy for mortgage lenders and servicers to order Clear Capital's industry-regarded and investor-approved products without leaving the Empower LOS or rekeying manual loan data. In addition to ClearA- VM, the Exchange Service Network also supports ordering of Clear Capital's Col- lateral Desktop Analysis (CDA®), Broker Price Opinion (BPO), Property Condition Inspection (PCI), and Appraisals. "Our aim is to streamline the delivery of products so that our clients have what they need, when they need it," said Rich Gagli- ano, CEO of Dark Matter Technologies. "That's why we created a single marketplace that facilitates connections with tens of thousands of mortgage solution providers, and it's why we are happy to partner with companies like Clear Capital who make lenders' and servicers' jobs easier." ClearAVM is trusted for its collater- al valuation accuracy, which leads the industry with median absolute error (MdAE) of only 2.3% and is designed for situations that demand highly precise and efficient results, including home equity lending, portfolio valuation, review and underwriting. ClearAVM accurately and fairly predicts values on over 120 million residential properties and is updated regu- larly to provide the most complete picture of homes in the United States. Designed to remove pre-funding un- certainty or support post-funding due dil- igence, the CDA is an efficient, cost-effec- tive method to determine if the appraisal under review is adequately supported. In addition to ClearAVM and CDA, Exchange Service Network users can obtain accurate property values with Clear Capital's appraisal solutions and reduce the cost and risk of servicing portfolios with its BPO or PCI. "Our partnership with Dark Matter Technologies is all about helping lenders and servicers make more confident deci- sions through our robust property data analytics and product suite, which offer them the complete picture," said Kenon Chen, EVP of Strategy and Growth, Clear Capital. "We want to ensure lenders and servicers have all the tools they need to execute with precision and accuracy while driving efficiencies. We're excited to deliver this through the Exchange Service Net- work from Dark Matter Technologies." ICE REDEFINES MORTGAGE SERVICING WITH NEW INTELLIGENT, CONVERSATIONAL INTERFACE I ntercontinental Exchange, Inc. (ICE), a global provider of technology and data, has officially introduced the MSP Digital Experience (MSP DX). MSP DX is a new conversational interface for working in MSP, ICE's mortgage loan servicing system. MSP DX is a new way of interacting with the full power of the MSP servicing system. It is designed to streamline work- flows, increase efficiencies, and ease the training of servicing team members. ICE launched this new interface with escrow, historically one of the most-costly aspects of mortgage servicing. This functionality was previewed at ICE Experience 2024 and received positive reviews from leaders in the mortgage servicing industry. "Mortgage escrow is inherently com- plex, and the technology lift to handle the many moving parts is significant," said Tim Bowler, President of ICE Mortgage Technol- ogy. "But with the introduction of MSP DX we are helping servicers manage the escrow process more efficiently. This will enhance workflow management for servicers and improve the household experience." MSP DX gives end users the sort of conversational interaction they have come to expect in other aspects of their lives. Rather than sorting through multiple screens or reaching out to different depart- ments for information, servicing profes- sionals can now ask the system for what they need using everyday language. "Our aim is to streamline the delivery of products so that our clients have what they need, when they need it." — Rich Gagliano, CEO, Dark Matter Technologies

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