DS News

MortgagePoint June 2024

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June 2024 ยป thefivestar.com 7 June 2024 M T E C H "MSP DX represents a significant leap forward for the industry and serves up what users need, when they need it," Bowler said. "It automates routine tasks so users can focus on more strategic and meaningful work. While we started with escrow, we will continue to make further investments to en- hance workflow and flatten learning curves throughout the mortgage servicing process. CORPORATE SETTLEMENT SOLUTIONS INTEGRATES WITH GRIDBASE TO IMPROVE HOME EQUITY LENDING C orporate Settlement Solutions (CSS) has announced an en- hanced integration with GridBase, an Application Program Interface (API) for lender and title collaboration, to improve efficiencies within home equity lending. "U.S. homeowners currently have more than $11 trillion in tappable home equity and are willing to use home equity products to increase their personal liquidity while preserving their historically low first-mort- gage interest rates," said Ashley Jelinek, CEO of Corporate Settlement Solutions. "Our integration with GridBase provides a fast, efficient title-lite solution that home eq- uity lenders can access without ever leaving the Encompass environment." The CSS home equity solution has tapped GridBase technology to allow lenders to order CSS property reports, flood zone determinations and record- ings directly within the Encompass LOS platform, reducing the time required for manual order entry and improving delivery times. "Given the no- or low-cost economics of home equity originations, the greater efficiencies that technology can deliver often translate into improved margins," said Ryan Peterson, President of GridBase. "We're pleased to work with forward-look- ing title providers, like CSS, to enhance the home equity experience for our joint clients and their customers." The recent integration is an expan- sion of the long-standing partnership between CSS and GridBase and enhances the services offered by CSS through the Encompass by ICE Mortgage Technology platform. By reducing the time required for manual order entry and delivering property reports directly into a lender's eFolder, the integration will help streamline the home equity origination process and reduce the overall loan production costs. "Incorporating this technology with our home equity workflow has already delivered a notable lift in efficiency," said Jennifer Tanner, AVP, Mortgage Processing with Peoples Bank. "The platform works well, is user friendly and saves us a lot of time." ACES QUALITY MANAGEMENT PARTNERS WITH INFRRD TO PROVIDE AI-POWERED INTELLIGENT MORTGAGE DOCUMENT PROCESSING A CES Quality Management (ACES has announced a new partnership with Infrrd to pro- vide ACES users access to intelligent docu- ment processing. When used in conjunc- tion with ACES Quality Management & Control software, Infrrd's technology helps lenders improve the efficiency of their quality control (QC) reviews by indexing, categorizing, and reviewing the accuracy of loan file documents prior to review. "We're thrilled at the opportunity to empower our users with the capability to leverage state-of-the-art innovations like Infrrd that lead to improved efficiency in QC reviews and, ultimately, enhanced loan quality," said Trevor Gauthier, CEO of ACES. Infrrd assists mortgage companies in safely adopting artificial intelligence (AI) across various facets of the mortgage process. With a focus on research, inno-

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